𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼

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~To go toWar~

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~To go toWar~

Eleanor leant herself up on her elbows as she gazed down at the sleeping form of her husband. It was barely past dawn and the first rays of golden sunlight flooded through the windows but she knew that Edward and Richard would have to leave soon, to fight. And suddenly the image of her husband on a battlefield filled her with fear and dread.

His chest rose and he gave a small sigh before opening his eyes and smiling at the Duchess, slowly sitting up to kiss her.
"Good morning, sweetheart" he murmured against her lips while Eleanor moved further into his arms, pressing her breasts against his chest.

"Must you go" she asked, cocking her head to the side in question and hanging it a little when Richard nodded.
"Edward may be King once more but we still have Warwick to fight....and then Margaret of Anjou" he explained, gently lifting her chin with
a finger "but I promise I will come back to you"

"And you will lie with me again?" She asked with a small smirk that made her husband chuckle, lying back with her in his arms.
"I will make love to you all day and night if you do desire it!" He replied "just keep me in your thoughts when I am away...."
"And in my bed when you return!" Eleanor finished, rolling over so that she lay on top of him, lightly kissing his nose.

"Well well!" Richard exclaimed, beginning to gently run his hands over her shoulders and down her back, making her shiver in delight, her toes curling "it seems I may have a wanton for a wife!"
"A wanton!" She exclaimed, feigning offence as she rolled onto her side and intertwined she and Richard's hands "I assure you I am not that!"

"Of course not, sweetheart, I do retract my words" he replied with a small smile, kissing her knuckles before he got out of bed and the Duchess groaned, demanding that he return to her immediately "you know I cannot do that!" He returned, pulling on his breeches and shirt "however much I wish it"

"So you do wish it then?" She countered, pulling her shawl around her body as she rose and leant back against one of the bedposts, watching her husband dress with an innocent fascination.
"I wish it more than anything at present" he admitted "but, may I ask for help with my armour? It's fiddly without a squire to help!"

"Then I shall be your squire" Eleanor said with a smiled, slipping her shift over her head before letting her shawl fall to the floor. She arched her eyebrows at the strange array of metal that lay to the side of the room in a heap "what on earth do I do?" She asked, picking up the breastplate.

"That goes over my chest" he said, ducking his head a little as she placed it over his doublet before moving to tighten the straps "though I will change into full armour once I get to the battlefield" Eleanor sighed and kissed the base of his neck.

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