𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑋𝐼𝑉

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August 1475, France....

"I have negotiated with Louis, we are to have peace"

Eleanor, Richard and George all stared at Edward as if he had gone mad, their mouths agape with shock. They had been in France just over three weeks and already the King had all but ended the war he had taxed his country so hard to create?

It was true, since the moment they arrived on foreign soil, Edward had appeared rather jumpy whenever any of his nobles suggested advances into enemy territory. He could often be seen with a letter in his hands which was no doubt from Elizabeth, but still, this was something the three sat before him refused to believe could be happening.

Eleanor looked as if she had been struck dumb, her eyes wide and lips parted as she sought a response.

Richard's expression seemed to change each second, going from shock, to disbelief, to surprise, to disappointment and then to anger.

George merely glared at Edward and he folded his arms, eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Peace?" He almost spat, pushing back his chair as he stood, polished armour clanking "what do you mean peace?"
"And what do you mean you have negotiated?" Eleanor added, almost laughing in her shock "surely not in person? You would not be that stupid! And without your brothers too?"

Edward's face fell as they spoke. He had thought that they would be pleased at the news of coming peace! After all, Richard and Eleanor had never seemed particularly enthused at the idea, the only person he thought he would really be disappointing was George and his precious regency.

"We have exchanged letters, Leena" he said with a shrug, leaning back on his throne "and we have both agreed that there need be no French nor English blood shed!" They all jumped as George's fists suddenly slammed down on the table that separated the King and his kin, his anger rising by the moment.

"We didn't sail here to talk, Edward!" He yelled "we came here to overthrow Louis!"
"George!" Eleanor commanded firmly "for heavens sake lower your voice, you know how thin these tents are and what will the men think if they hear us squabbling between ourselves?"

"We came to win back England's honour!" Richard said, his voice surprisingly level and calm compared with the rest "and reclaim the land that should be ours!" George scoffed, carding a hand through his hair, though he did not shout again, biting his tongue as his sister gave him another look of warning.

"He has told me he will offer land, Dickon!" Edward explained "so you see we can win without a battle!"
"He cannot offer us dignity or glory!"

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