𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼

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~May Day~

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~May Day~

May Day 1470, The Tower of London....

Eleanor felt Elizabeth take her hand as they once again brooded over the storm they had set upon the sea just a mere week ago. Eleanor had barely spoken since, feeling in her heart that somehow they had caused a great loss somewhere in the world and she felt ashamed to think of it. Of causing an innocent pain.

Her sister too now seemed to conceded that their magic was rather ill used and they had often sat together in prayer or in thought, wishing that they could take what they had unleashed back. But as Eleanor had said, once it was out in the world there was no calling it back and now they would have to live with the consequences.

A sudden clatter of horse hooves in the courtyard  made them jump but immediately after a smile lit the Queen's face and she leapt from her seat.
"Edward!" She exclaimed and ran from the room leaving Eleanor to follow in her wake.

"What is it, child?" Jacquetta asked as the seventeen year old made to leave the chamber. She turned to her with an ashen face and saddened eyes that betrayed her sorrow.
"I feel as if I have done a great wrong, mother" she admitted, bowing her head a little "one I will never be able to put right...."
"That may be so" her mother replied, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder "and it may be not....but now, greet your husband....be happy"

Eleanor nodded silently as she left, listening to the soft tap her shoes made against the hard stone of the Tower floors and steps but she soon found her peace was disturbed by the excited cries of welcome home that no doubt belonged to the Queen.

The Duchess held up a hand as she emerged, shielding herself from the sun, about to use the other to lift the hem of her grey gown, terrified of falling. But no sooner had she appeared she found her free hand taken and looked down to see her husband staring up at her.

Surprisingly, Eleanor felt a smile touch her lips and she gave Richard a nod as he helped her down the steps before rolling her eyes as she saw her sister and Edward locked in a passionate embrace, not caring if anyone saw them.

"I know" Richard murmured quietly as if he could read his wife's thoughts "I don't think it the best decision on earth....but we needn't think of them, close your eyes!"
"Close my eyes?" She questioned, spinning around "and why would I need to do that, my Lord?"

He merely shrugged, an intriguing smile on his face that made the Duchess curious enough to obey, closing her eyes and waiting before she felt something gently press against her lips and a sweet scent, that made her grin, fill her nose. Licking them slightly beforehand, she parted her lips and let out a cry of delight as the taste of strawberry spread across her tongue.

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