𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼

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~Poor George~

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~Poor George~

"I have failed" Eleanor murmured miserably as Anais brushed out her hair, for once her face unsmiling as she noticed her Lady's misery. "George is to be executed. The only things Edward has relinquished are that George can chose the method of his own death and that I am allowed to see him, though what I will say I don't know"

"But you tried, your grace!" She said gently. "surely that is vhat matters most?" Eleanor shook her head.
"Trying will not keep him alive Anna....but thank you"

"Vhat of Duke Richard?" Anais asked, beginning to arrange the copper curls into a neat braid, her hands, skilled at their work, moving quickly. "vhere has he gone?" Eleanor frowned slightly. Where had Richard gone? He had left a quarter of an hour ago in silence and had not returned. Perhaps he had gone to try once more with Edward?

"He will be back soon, where ever he is" she sighed, draping her finished braid over one shoulder and smiling a little at her friend "he would not leave me tonight and I do not think he wants to be alone either" she was right for but a moment later Richard walked into the chamber but the raven haired girl he had at his side made Eleanor gasp.

"Eliza!" She cried as the girl ran at her, wrapping her arms around her Aunt's waist as Eleanor stared at her and then Richard "how is she here?" She asked, stunned "it takes three weeks at the very least to travel from Middleham to here yet George's....his fate was only announced today"

"You know that I thought George might turn up?" Richard murmured and Eleanor nodded. "well I sent for Eliza a week after we made for here, just in case"
"Well I'm beyond glad that you did! But was she by herself this whole time?!"
"Of course not! She had our guards with her and..."

"And me" Eleanor looked to the door once more as fourteen year old George Neville sidled into the chamber. A shy smile on his face "she rode pillion with me the whole time, Eleanor, though I think I may have a permanent bruise around my waist from it!"

"Well thank God for you, Georgie!" She sighed with a small smile, releasing one arm from Eliza to welcome him into her embrace. He came without hesitance, a proud look on his face as he kissed her cheek. Georgie was a quiet boy, thoughtful, rather like Richard if you were to place him in a room full of strangers though Georgie was quiet with even those he knew best!

He took pleasure in hunting and riding and all kinds of sports which he excelled at but he mostly preferred to follow Richard (whom he had come to idolise) around Middleham, hanging on his every word as if it were gospel.

And hanging onto his every word was Eleanor's own George and John, who followed him as monks follow God! They looked up to him, saw him as the perfect knight (whom he was becoming more and more each day) and both Richard and Eleanor knew that John and Isabel would be proud to see him thus in their care.

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