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~Love in a time of War~

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~Love in a time of War~

1st of May, 1464...

Feeling Elizabeth gently shake her awake, Eleanor opened her eyes and grinned at her sister, sleepily reaching out to brush a hand against the blue velvet gown she was wearing.

"It's beautiful" she whispered and allowed herself to be drawn gently from the covers of the bed, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she felt soft linen  being pulled over her head, her hair brushed and gently braided as she looked at the colour of her gown "green!" She exclaimed with excitement before clapping a hand to her mouth.

"I told Bella you needed it" Elizabeth giggled before greeting Jacquetta who walked up the stairs, beaming at her two girls.
"Tis time" she whispered and Eleanor turned to hug Elizabeth, wrapping her small arms around her waist.
"You are to be the Queen of England!" She said before taking her hand and following their mother from the room.

Together, the three rushed down the stairs of the manor and across the bridge, all smiling at one another as they ran away from their home and into the woods, brushing past tree branches as they went. Carefully, Eleanor picked up the train of her sister's gown, keeping it safe from the mud and dirt of the forest floor until a church came into view in a sunny clearing, the sky above the clearest blue as if reflecting the joy all there felt.

Edward walked forward from the door, hopping down the church steps while Elizabeth rushed to greet him, a gentle smile gracing her face.

Clinging onto her mother's hand, Eleanor watched the pair as they were escorted into the church by a priest and quickly found herself following in her wake, lifting the skirt of her green gown so she wouldn't snag it on the brambles that curled near the door. She and her mother stood to the side as the choir boy began to sing, completely entrancing Eleanor as she gazed upon the young couple before her.

'The King and Queen of England' she thought, smiling as she clasped her hands together to stop herself clapping out of sheer happiness for her sister.

"I'm a fool" Edward suddenly whispered, snapping Eleanor from her thoughts and watching as Elizabeth looked to her and her mother "I forgot the ring! Lady Rivers, do you have a ring I could borrow?"

Slowly, Elizabeth looked down and picked up the small pouch that hung from the sleeve of her gown made of the same soft blue velvet as her gown.

"I....I have one" she said and held up a small silver ring that was shaped as a crown, it's rising peaks topped with small spheres that resembled pearls. Eleanor let out a small sigh of awe as she watched Edward place the ring on the bible in front, wondering where her sister had gotten such a beautiful piece.
"Melusina" her mother whispered and suddenly her daughter understood.

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