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~Blood and Roses~

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~Blood and Roses~

April 1464, one month later...

One month. It has been one whole month since Elizabeth had returned to Grafton Manor in tears and still Eleanor did not know why. All she did know was that her elder sister now slept with the dagger she had brought back with her under her pillow and that there had been no sight or word from King Edward since that day. 

Now she watched with Bella from the window of the bedchamber as their brothers rushed back and forth in front of the manor, gathering up their swords and armour with their father while Elizabeth ran after then demanding to know what they were doing.

"Come on" Bella said with a grin, shoving open the window "if they won't tell us what's going on we will find out ourselves!"
"We are to go to war again" we're the first words they caught and Eleanor could not stop herself from leaning out and shouting down to her father.

"No!" She cried "why, father? Why you, Anthony and all my brothers? Not again!"
Baron rivers turned round and suppressed a grin as he saw his eleven year old at the window being held by the waist by an alarmed Bella so she would not fall out.

"The King has commanded I provide a dozen men, I have no choice Eleanor!" He yelled back with a quick smile "but I will come back I promise, now get back inside"

Bella slammed the window shut and turned to face her sister with clear annoyance.
"Why did you do that, you clotpole?" She asked, folding her arms "we could have heard a lot more of you had kept your mouth shut"
"Well at least I'm able to keep my mouth shut sometimes" Eleanor retorted, ducking with a giggle as Bella's hand flew out to hit her.

"War! Again!" Elizabeth yelled as she ran up the stairs, Mary close behind her.
"Mother said we can go and see the army off!" She said excitedly and Bella's face lit up as she rushed to her sister and they dashed down the stairs to tell the others.

"Are we Yorkists now?" Eleanor whispered as she approached Elizabeth who was staring out of the window, watching as Anthony sharpened a sword.
"That is what mother says" she answered, though she did not look in her sister's direction "if Edward wins"

Eleanor arched an eyebrow and went to stand beside her.
"And do you want him to win? King Edward?"
Elizabeth nodded slowly, and reached under her pillow, drawing out the dagger as she so often did when alone. She held it up to the window and then looked to her sister, passing her the blade.

"This belongs to him" she told her quietly "if we are to see the York army to war then I want you to return it to him"
"Of course" Eleanor said, slipping her hand into her sister's. She didn't dare to voice the question that was tumbling around her mind.

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