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~The First York Prince~

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~The First York Prince~

Eleanor ran faster and faster as her sister's cries from sanctuary became louder. Dashing down the passageway, while Tom carried Lizzie behind, she threw her shawl aside and immediately went to Elizabeth who was almost doubled over in pain, agonised groans escaping her.

"It's alright" she soothed, wrapping an arm around the Queen's waist and guiding her to their sleeping quarters where she leant against a barrel. Eleanor began to unlace her gown, pulling quickly at the intricate laces until they became loose. She looked to the side as the door to their sanctuary opened and Jacquetta rushed in with an alarmed expression on her face.

"Mother!" Eleanor cried in disbelief "mother the baby is coming!"
"I know, I know" her mother said as she took over, helping to remove the Queen's gown before fetching the cleanest sheets and a bowl of water.

"Mother!" Elizabeth gasped as she clutched her belly "you are free....you have been set free"
"Only for a little while, my darling" Jaquetta replied while Eleanor ordered Tom and Rickon to take the three, now weeping, Princesses to the passageway, so that they would not have to see their mother's distress "after the trial I came across the Duke of Clarence...."

"George?!" Eleanor exclaimed as she began to dip the sheets into the water and dab gently at Elizabeth's forehead while she cried out in pain. "what on earth did he want with you?"

"Calm yourself" her mother ordered, watching for signs of the baby "I went in search of him and made a deal. I could come and see you and after I go back to Grafton!"
"You can't leave!" Elizabeth screamed as pain wracked her body, almost causing her legs to give way "I need you!"

"You have Leena" Jacquetta reminded her, gesturing for her younger daughter to help keep the Queen upright, preparing her to push.
"I can't do it...." Elizabeth whispered while the Duchess wiped away the tears on her face, shaking her head as she smiled encouragingly "not without Edward...."

"You can" Eleanor assured her "you will deliver a Prince this day....a fine York Prince that shall rule this Kingdom after Edward!" She nodded as she began to scream, pushing for the first time while her kinswomen encouraged her.

"That's it, my dear! Push!" Jacquetta said, placing a hand on her daughter's back and willing her to push again. Eleanor took Elizabeth's hands in her own and cried out as she felt them practically crushed in the Queen's grip, reminding her a little of the pain she went through when birthing her daughter.

'Keep my baby safe' she prayed fervently before returning her attention to the task at hand and smiling at her sister.
"Just a little more" she said, leaning their foreheads against each other "and then you shall have your son in yours arms"

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