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~The Tudor Threat~

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~The Tudor Threat~

July 1485, Nottingham Castle....

Eleanor moaned, her fingers gripping the pillows on either side of her as her chest rose and fell at a rapid pace. Her nightgown was tossed to one side, the covers rumpled and discarded in a mess caused by love and just. Hearing her pleasured moans Richard raised his head from between her thighs, his lips and chin glistening in the morning light that filled the chamber.

"Well, my love, this is a pleasing sight" he teased, letting his fingers wander across the inside of her thighs, caressing the soft skin and smirking as he felt her tremble.
"Even when I am big with child?" She laughed and they both looked at her belly.

"You know that wouldn't stop me" he replied and slid back between her legs, tracing circles around her clit with his tongue and holding her waist as she jerked at the sudden contact that made her see stars. He groaned when she slid her hands into his hair, tugging on his curls while she rolled her hips against his tongue, rocking back and forth, her breaths short and ragged.

One of his hands wandered up her body, lightly pinching her nipples that were hardened into sensitive pink buds and she cried out his name. Grinning to himself, Richard moved up her body, leaving light kisses as he went while Eleanor grasped his shoulders, trying to pull him to her so that she could claim him for her own.

For the past hour he had been sending her up to heaven, making her see stars behind her eyes and her body shake, a layer of sweat appear on her pale skin.

"Let me have you" she breathed impatiently as he paused to gently suck on the tips of her breasts, taking all the time he wanted "Richard I swear...." her words died away as his lips were crashed to hers and her legs went around his hips; back arching desperately.


Richard chuckled to himself as Eleanor followed him around the corridors of the castle, her steps almost childish stomps as she bunched her skirts in her hand, watching him pull on his gloves.

"And why may I not come?" She asked indignantly, huffing as he managed to dodge her free hand which made to cling to his doublet to stop him "I never quit hunting before and you know I normally refuse confinement! Why can I not come hunting"

"I don't want you to hurt yourself!" He told her, hopping down the steps that led to the courtyard and adjusted the tight leather of his gloves "you are with child"

"You are with child" she imitated, pulling a face that he laughed at the sight of "and when has that ever stopped me? When?"

"You had better stay here and look after the children! Chase them around the gardens if you wish" she was forced to bite back a heated retort as they strode into the courtyard together, him smiling, her scowling like a storm.

𝐸𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒 || 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐻𝐼𝑇𝐸 𝑄𝑈𝐸𝐸𝑁Where stories live. Discover now