𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑉𝐼𝐼

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~Back to Black~

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~Back to Black~

Rolling up the sleeves of her gown, Cecily was gentle as she tended to Eleanor, making sure the water that filled the wooden tub was always warm. With expert hands, she washed away the dirt and the grime that covered Eleanor's skin and hair until she was clean once again.

The Queen stayed silent, her knees drawn up to her chest as warm water was poured over her and she felt her body awakening. Little by little, minute by minute, the mist that clouded her mind seemed to clear very slightly and she found she could think again.

Not about Richard or about those who were now dead.

But she could think about war.

She could focus on her rage and her hatred and her appetite for blood.

Oh how she craved it now.

As she once more took to scraping the skin from the sides of her fingers they began to bleed again and she studied the single drop of blood that bloomed on the side of her thumb.

Watching, the drop made its way down her hand, sliding down her pale skin and leaving a crimson streak in its wake. Holding her hand over the water, she shook it a little and watched as the drop splashed into the water, creating a small ripple before the blood dispersed and disappeared.

Letting Cecily pour water over her one last time, Eleanor finally stepped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around her thinning frame before going to sit by the fire. Another towel in hand, her Mother in law sat behind her and patted her hair dry, watching the Queen with a degree of interest.

"Are you ready?" She asked as she picked up a comb and drew it gently through the copper curls that set perfectly in her ageing hands. Eleanor shook her head a little, resting her chin on her knees while her fingers danced on the marble floor.

"No" she murmured "the one thing I need I can't have....and yet still I must move forward"
"You must" Cecily asserted, moving to a coffer to fetch a fresh chemise she gentled over Eleanor's head "your son need you and England needs you. You must meet their needs instead of your own"

"I suppose"

Standing up, she brushed the creases from her chemise and allowed Cecily to lift a thin black kirtle over her head, gently tying the laces at the back before she moved to fetch the sable damask gown she had selected. It was simple in design and the sleeves were tight with a small train at the back. The only other adornment were small golden roses on the cuffs but Eleanor did not even glance at them as she was dressed.

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