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~In Sickness and in Health~

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~In Sickness and in Health~

Her screams had started at night, so terrible they were, so deafening that they had sent the eldest children fleeing from their beds. They had run the length of the castle to where Eleanor and Richard lay, seeking comfort only to find it was Eleanor from whom the terrifying screams emerged.

Katheryn had banged on the door, little fists flailing as tears streamed down her face. Bess had demanded with all her might that they be let inside to aid her mother while Matilda, Isabel and Eliza merely cried, hands clinging to one another while they sobbed.

"Mama!" Bess wept when their nurse found them all huddled at the door, for once her determined nature leaving her for defeat "mama! Let us come to you!"

When there was no answer but more screams, the children allowed themselves to be led away but did not sleep a wink. They all cuddled close in Katheryn's large bed, praying with all their might that Eleanor would be well.

It was not long before John and baby George joined them, eyes reddened with crying, hands intertwined for comfort as they stood in the doorway, the eldest carrying a sleeping William.


7th of April 1476....

"Richard!" Eleanor cried, tears streaming down her face. She felt as if she were about to be torn in two, the thick scent of blood sending her mind reeling "Richard! Where are you?"

"Here, Leena" Richard murmured as he knelt by the bed, smoothing her damp hair back from her face and pressing a cool cloth to her forehead "I am right here, my darling"

"Don't leave me....not now..." she begged, grimacing as another contraction forced her to screams. It was as if a thousand knives were stabbing into her belly. And she had been like this the past two days.

"I will never leave you" Richard promised, taking her hand as she sobbed out her pain and her body writhed against the bloodied covers of the bed. He looked up to where the midwife was, returning her nod with one of his own as he realised it was time for Eleanor to push "it is time, love" he told her gently and she nodded, letting him sit her up a little while Anais took her free hand on the other side of the bed.

"All vill be vell" she said gently and Eleanor nodded, taking a deep breath before she squeezed her husband's and friend's hands. A pained yell that emerged from Anais mixed with her own scream as she pushed, sobbing as she fell back onto the pillows, gasping for breath.

"Sorry Anna" she murmured, trying to send Anais an apologetic smile. The blonde woman simply shook her head, patting Eleanor's hand before she grimaced as the Duchess pushed again.
"Just once more and the first shall be born!" The midwife called and Eleanor's head shot up from the covers along with Richard who stared at the midwife in disbelief.

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