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~William and Katheryn, Bess and Charles~

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~William and Katheryn, Bess and Charles~

July 1484, Westminster....

Eleanor smiled from her throne as she watched the young couple, married that afternoon, dance together amongst the others in the great hall. Katheryn was grinning from ear to ear, dressed in a gown of lilac silk with her long, dark hair flowing in perfect curls down to her waist.

William held her close, love shining in his eyes as they danced together. He had been gazing at his new wife since they had entered Westminster chapel that morning and every moment after that.

"Are you happy for her?" Eleanor asked when she learnt to the side a little to talk to Richard over the laughter that filled the hall. He nodded, a small smile on his lips as she watched his daughter dance with her new husband.

"Very" he replied with a small nod "I always hoped to see her as happy as she is now" raising his eyebrows a wry sigh escaped his lips and he looked from his daughter to his wife "but no sign of Kate?"Eleanor shook her head.

"No....no sign of Kate" he nodded again and returned his gaze to the dancing while Eleanor looked around the hall, happy to see her children all laughing and smiling with one another until she felt a sharp pang as she noticed Bess' absence. Oh how she missed her eldest daughter! She was to be married and crowned in less than a week and while Eleanor knew that she would be in good hands with Cecily she could not help but wish she could be there!

Looking to Cecily's older sister, Eleanor tilted her head as she watched Lizzie who was scanning the hall for a partner "Dance with Lizzie" she murmured to Richard and he turned to her "she of all people deserves some lively dancing and merriment. Dance with her Richard"

"I'd much rather dance with you, love" he returned but obeyed her all the same, rising from his throne and making his way through the crowds of noblemen throughout the hall until he reached his eldest niece.

She looked up, seemingly surprised as he came to stand by her; blue eyes widening while a light blush stained her cheeks. Lizzie accepted the hand he extended and practically glowed as she was lead to the centre of the hall among the other dancing couples, waving to Eleanor who waved back.

As the music started and they began to dance, William and Katheryn leading, Eleanor watched as small pockets of nobles turned to each other and began to whisper to each other. 'With his niece?'  She heard one say and rolled her eyes. These people would grasp at any excuse for gossip! True, the dance was one traditionally for married couples or those who were betrothed but it was a wedding all the dances were as such!

"Mama?" Her train of thought was broken as she heard her Edward's voice and put a smile onto her face. He looked well, she thought, as she looked at him, now more than ever; had rosy cheeks which she had seen rarely during his lifetime!

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