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July 1472....

"Beautiful" Eleanor breathed, her eyes wide with wonder as she gazed over the landscape of Wensleydale. A gentle breeze flowed through the air, rustling the leaves on the trees and beams of sunlight cascaded over the fields and village below.

As they approached Middleham, Richard had taken her away from the baggage train and together they had ridden to the top of the tallest hill that overlooked the castle for the first glimpse of their new home. Eleanor found that she could barely breathe, rendered speechless by the beauty that lay before her eyes.

Her lands. Her new home.

The sky was the clearest blue, making the colours of the scenery seemingly jump into life as if each blade of grass, each brightly coloured flower were calling to her. Beckoning to her, entrancing and enchanting her, weaving a mystical spell around her heart.

A smile spread across her lips, one of pure joy, as she found tears filling her eyes. This was to be her home, where her little Bess would spend her years growing up, climbing trees and riding across the sunny fields without a care in the world, hopefully with a number of brothers and sisters in tow!

"D-do you like it?" Richard's voice was barely audible as he softly called out to his wife, his face the picture of excitement and anxiety as he watched Eleanor's reaction, noting each little change in her expression. He was rather alarmed when she turned to him, almost crying, but breathed a sigh of relief when she reached out, taking his hand in hers.

"I have never seen a place so beautiful" she said, a laugh escaping her as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes, letting the breeze blow gently over her skin like a thousand small kisses.

She was glad that she had left her hair loose that day as the winds of the North combed through her copper curls, making them sway gently from side to side. She laughed once again, pure happiness filling her heart and mind, a feeling she had not felt for such a long time she had been beginning to fear she never would again.

But now she did. True joy. And none could mar it.

"I'm home" she announced and felt her spirits soar as Richard smiled at her, also beginning to laugh in his delight and relief.
"You are" he said with a nod, looking out over the vast landscape and feeling his smile widen as his eyes settled on Middleham castle "we are.... now, look"

"Look where?" Eleanor asked, aligning her horse with her husband's as she followed where he pointed, towards the castle. It's walls towered over the village below, the ramparts reaching up to the sky and the towers reaching even higher with a flag flying at the top.

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