𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝑉𝐼

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~The Bad Queen~

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~The Bad Queen~

2 days later....

Elizabeth rushed out into the courtyard, woollen shawl pulled tightly around her shoulders as she made towards her younger sister and gently caught her arm.

"Leena" she greeted, trying to catch her breath, while Eleanor giggled at her lack of composure.
"Your grace" she greeted with a small curtsy, watching as Elizabeth's eyes widened in surprise and then pride as she saw the armour the Duchess was wearing.

Beneath her velvet cloak, she wore a metal breastplate that had a sapphire in the shape of a diamond set in the middle, glistening in the sunlight. Her sleeves had the heavy metal covering them too and over her gloves she wore gauntlets that held intricate patterns on the iron. Her gown flared out from her waist, a deep blue with a murrey kirtle that showed as she moved from side to side.

"Where did you get that?" Elizabeth asked in wonder, an amazed laugh escaping her as she gestured for her sister to twirl for her.

"Edward" Eleanor replied with a grin, adjusting the coronet on her head "it seems he had plans for me to accompany him far before I was told!" She arched an eyebrow, raising her chin a little "did you know?"

"No" the Queen said, glancing at the King who was speaking to Richard and George, a large smile on his face "though I may have mentioned he owes his victory at Barnet partly to you!"
"You never!" Her sister cried, swatting at her arm playfully until Elizabeth's face suddenly turned serious and she took the Duchess's hands, kissing them both.

"Remember" she told her sternly "George is the enemy, Eleanor"
"Lizzie...." Eleanor began only to be immediately shushed.
"He is the enemy" Elizabeth repeated, firmer than before "Warwick is dead so now it is George whom we must focus our vengeance upon, do I make myself clear?"

Bowing her head a little, the Duchess nodded meekly before she felt her chin raised by Elizabeth's hand and a weak smile crossed her lips.

"I shall do as you bid, sister" she murmured "as I always do"
"Good" Elizabeth replied with a small nod before a grin lit her face and she pulled Eleanor into a tight hug "now, you must go, Leena, and when you return tell me stories of the battlefield, though promise me you shall not venture directly onto it"

"Now when have I ever been able to obey commands like that?" Eleanor laughed, turning to the page that held out a hand, helping her to mount the new jet black destrier Richard had presented her with that morning. She noticed the reins were embroidered with golden thread and a small gasp escaped her as she saw the letters of R and E were intertwined.

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