𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝐿𝐼𝐼𝐼

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~New Beginnings~

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~New Beginnings~

The loud squeal of a young babe filled the halls as Elizabeth and Eleanor rounded a corner, just in time to see George take Prince Edward from his nurse and into his arms. The little Prince looked up to his Uncle, a toothless grin on his rosy face as he giggled, content to be held.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, was glaring daggers at her brother in law, her fists clenched in the fabric of her gown, crumpling it in an instant.
"He will have nothing to do with my son!" She seethed, starting forward with her younger sister on her heels, eager to avoid conflict.

"George would not harm him!" She reasoned, though she knew the Queen would be oblivious to any sense, especially when it came to her hated brother. Striding into the chamber where the Duke of Clarence had disappeared, Elizabeth immediately looked around for her youngest child, holding her arms out to him.

"Come here my Prince" she murmured gently, swiftly taking the baby from his Uncle's hold and into her own before she passed him back to the nurse, waving her away. Eleanor sighed to herself and walked over to where her husband was perched on Edward's desk, a map in his hand as he looked up.

She raised her eyebrows a little at him as George huffed and reluctantly sat down in a seat, folding his arms.
"It won't be very long until we see him settled at Ludlow" he remarked, quite blatantly seeking to create some form of argument.
"Ludlow Castle?" Elizabeth repeated, clearly confused as she looked between the three York brothers "we are to live....in Wales?"

"Not us" Edward explained with a smile "but our son will, when he's two!" Elizabeth merely stared back at him in disbelief, her eyes widening as she shook her head a little "he's the Prince of Wales!" He continued, appearing at ease while the others were anything but "he must establish his own household there"

"What possible use has Wales for an infant Prince?" Elizabeth demanded, looking to Eleanor for an ally. The Duchess immediately caught on, sending her elder sister a nod.
"I agree!" She said, for she did, and heard Richard sigh behind her, knew he was frowning "there is no use for him there! Surely he is better with his family?"

"Precisely!" Elizabeth said, almost throwing her hands up in annoyance before Richard spoke.
"The people must know him from childhood, your grace, that way they'll learn to love him and that's how well break Welsh loyalty to the Tudors"

Edward nodded in agreement, sitting beside Richard as he spoke only for his attention to once more he diverted to Elizabeth.
"No!" She thundered "I am not letting go of my son!" He sighed.

"This is what it means to have a Prince and not a girl!" The King said with a shrug "it's simply the matter of choosing the right guardian!"
"Then I will choose his guardian!" Elizabeth returned "Leena and I shall choose his guardian between us, I am his mother, she is his Aunt and if he is to be forced to leave me then I shall have a say in who raises him into a man!"

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