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~Return of Love~

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~Return of Love~

June 1482, Middleham, one year later....

Eleanor stood in front of the fire as she twirled a lock of hair between her fingers before brushing it back into place. It was late into the night and the rest of the castle was at rest but she was wide awake with not a grain of sleep entering her mind. This was one of those sleepless nights she so hated and left her tired and irritable the next day. 

'I will go riding tomorrow' she thought to herself. It would probably be best. When irritable she had a tendency to snap and she hated whenever she even muttered a single sharp syllable to any of the children or the servants. A ride out on the moors would lighten her spirits! Perhaps she would take Anais with her? Anna could always make her laugh.

She sighed. Perhaps she should go and fetch little Thomas from the nursery? Her seven month old son could always bring a smile to her face and his strange sleep pattern made sure that he was often awake when she was.

When she did fetch him she would prop him up in her bed, that always felt rather too big without Richard beside her, and read to him from the Canterbury Tales!

Little Thomas (who had recently learned to sit up with the help of his siblings) would roll around on the pillows and sheets, his toothless grin on his rosy face as he smiled adoringly up at his Mother. Eleanor had been beyond grateful when Richard had returned from war three months before their son's birth but had been desolate when he had been ordered to go back to Scotland the following January.

He was there now and had been for five long months.

When would he come back? Would he come back? No! She pushed the thought from her mind as quickly as she could, wrapping her arms around herself and shivering despite the warmth of the fire before her. Richard would come back to her! He would win and he would live.

She only wished that he would write more. Letters were few and far between and often were lost along the way or were so marred by water from the rain they were unreadable. To Eleanor these letters had become more precious to her than any jewel or castle that she owned and she wished that she could have more of them!

Francis, Rob, Jack and Harry had all gone to Scotland with Richard and so there was no way to get news from them but, oh, how she craved it! To hear simply that her husband was safe! That he was well!

"I just caught Georgie running up the stairs! He's been to that brothel again I am sure of it" she jumped a little. His voice startled her though it was as soft and gentle as she could remember. Surely she should have heard horses in the courtyard if he had returned?

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