𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑋𝑋𝐼𝑋

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~Jane and Elizabeth~

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~Jane and Elizabeth~

Eleanor smiled as she dismounted her horse in front of her brother's London Manor. She had spent the majority of the day with the new King playing chess and even shooting on the green and she had become even fonder of him than she already was!

"Richard will help him find the strength he needs for Kingship!" She murmured quietly to herself before addressing the guards that accompanied her "stay here until I return" she ordered and they bowed their heads in acknowledgment.

She did not have to knock at the door for it flew open and the face of Anthony peered around it, the alarm on his expression ebbing as he saw it was her.

"Who were you expecting?" Eleanor teased, though she understood his apparent worry. These were uncertain times "the axe man?" Anthony raised an eyebrow.
"Of course not" he sighed before reaching out and pulling her inside rather hastily "I have a guest" he said as he slammed the door shut, bolting it.

"A guest? How curious!"
"This is no laughing matter, Leena"
Eleanor frowned. Why was her brother being so serious? He was usually the one to joke with her! It was Elizabeth that did the chiding! Not Anthony! But she did not comment and followed him through the winding hallways of his London home, still dusty from disuse and a hurried clean when he had returned.

Entering a warm torchlit room, Eleanor raised her eyebrows as Anthony shut the door firmly behind her though when she saw the woman sitting by the fire her gasp filled the room and she suddenly knew why her brother was acting so secretive.

Jane Shore.

"What the actual...." she began but trailed away as Jane looked up from her seat and her gaze locked with the Duchess'. Her blue eyes were as captivating as Eleanor remembered, her hair just the same, akin to fire and falling in red ringlets down her back.

She was as beautiful as ever and appeared to know it as a slow smile took over her lips and Eleanor felt her cheeks redden and burn just as they used to when she had been at court.
"Your grace" Jane greeted, standing and curtsying, her voice the only thing that showed the cracks in her calm and alluring facade.

For there was fear in it. An uncertainty. And while still lovely held none of its usual good humour.
"Mistress Shore" Eleanor returned, giving the other woman a nod and taking a seat opposite her which Anthony gestured to before he moved away to fetch drinks "what are you doing here, may I ask? I thought you would be at Westminster"

"I was" Jane replied, suddenly looking crestfallen as she stared at the woman opposite her "until today" Eleanor frowned.

"Why today?" She asked slowly, taking the goblet that Anthony held out to her without so much as glancing up "what has happened today?"

"Your husband cast Jane from court" Anthony answered and Eleanor looked up at him in a flash, though she did not feel surprised "she has been shunned by her family and her friends so I have taken her in, you must not tell"

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