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~Queen of England~

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~Queen of England~

26th of May 1465, Westminster Palace....

Eleanor watched with baited breath as the sun began to rise, casting golden rays through the window and onto the sleeping form of Bella beside her.

Upon arriving at Westminster, she had been offered her own chambers but had refused, not wanting to be alone during the night and so, now 16 year old, Bella was her new bedmate and the two were most happy with the arrangement.

They could often be found whispering into the early hours of the morning, giggling at the tops of their voices and finding they could since they were the only ones who occupied the chambers.

This past night, Bella had fallen asleep in the early hours of the morning but Eleanor had not slept a wink, for that very day was to be the day of Elizabeth's coronation and her little sister could simply not wait.

Glancing over to the corner, she could see the outlines of her and Bella's snow-white gowns, trimmed with silver ribbon, sitting patiently next to the cold fireplace and smiled, flopping back onto her pillows to stare up at the deep blue canopy that hung above her and her sister's heads.

For seven months now, the Woodville's had been at court and Eleanor could not remember a happier nor more extravagant time in her short life. There were elaborate feasts and banquets every day, dances each night, huge hunting parties that would speed through the woods on stallions that flew through the trees while stag's ran for their very lives....

She had seen no more of the York siblings, apart from Edward of course, for she was constantly at the Queen's side doing her bidding and all three of George, Richard and Margaret were not at court, had returned to respective castles in the North after Christmas. Eleanor did not miss them, she hardly knew them of course, but she could not help but wonder when they would return? Would they attend the coronation?

Perhaps they wouldn't, after all, Duchess Cecily had refused to come!

Now, as the morning light began to reach the darkest corners of the bedchamber, Eleanor found that she could wait no longer and slowly rolled over onto her stomach, grabbing her pillow as she did so. Raising herself up onto her knees, she prepared for the backlash she would face at the hands of her considerably stronger sister.

Holding the pillow high in the air she brought it down onto Bella before letting out a startled yelp as her sister leapt from the covers, her blonde hair tangled around her face as she lunged for her little sister, pinning her to the bed while Eleanor squirmed and giggled.

"Every bloody day!" Bella cried, letting go and climbing off the bed "whenever something exciting is about to happen I almost get smothered!"

Her chest heaving as she reclaimed her pillow, Eleanor grinned and pushed her mass of copper curls back over her shoulders and reached for her chemise, tugging off her nightgown before putting the clean shift on.

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