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~The Lady Anne~

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~The Lady Anne~

September 1471....

As she lay in the dark, Richard's arm around her waist, Eleanor put a hand to her belly, tears slowly gliding down her cheeks. She dared not wake her husband, did not want to worry him with troubles of her own but ever since she had told him of her pregnancy, almost a month prior, her nights had been filled with naught but anxiety.

She did not know what had brought this fear to light, to the forefront of her mind where it resided during the dark hours of the night but she was terrified it was a warning from Melusina. That her second Mother was trying to warn her and that was why she could think of little else....

For she was scared her babe would die.

Over and over she began to relive her little Jacquetta's death, remembered how she looked, her rosy cheeks pale as she lay in her little cot, almost as if she were merely sleeping.

What if this was a form of seeing? What if all these fears were a true warning that death was to come....that Eleanor's baby would not survive. She knew in her heart she could not bear it, that her heart could not take the death of another of her children.

Perhaps she was never meant to be a mother, her mind would suggest, though she was quick to push the thought away.

Perhaps it was merely God's will?
God's will....

In an instant she bolted into an upright position, Richard jerking awake with her sudden movement.
"Eleanor?" He asked hurriedly, though still trying to fully wake, taking her face gently in his hands and frowning when he found his palms wet with tears "Eleanor whats the matter?"

"Nothing" she whispered with a shake of her head "it's nothing, Richard, I'm just being silly tis all....I was just....thinking of my Father....h-how he will never get to see his grandchild...."

The Duke looked rather unconvinced at her explanation but could tell that then was not the time to press for a true explanation and so simply gathered her into his arms, pressing soft kisses to the damp trails left by her tears on her skin.

"Your Father shall watch over our children from heaven" he told her as she trembled slightly against him, trying to keep her breathing in check for her excuse had in fact brought on an entirely new wave of sadness "as shall your brother"

Eleanor merely nodded mutely, wrapping her arms around Richard's neck so that she could press herself gently against him, the need for his warmth almost overwhelming her. Closing her eyes, she tried to push away her remaining tears and focus on the steady beat of her husband's heart, hoping that would soothe her mind.

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