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~Twists of Fate~

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~Twists of Fate~

17th of August 1473, Westminster....

Eleanor wrapped a supportive arm around Elizabeth's waist as she guided her to her bedchamber, the rest of her ladies and the midwives hurrying along behind. The Queen's breaths were heavy with pain and hot tears stung her eyes as she clutched at her belly, shoulders hunched over.

She had been in labour for most of that morning but now it was time to push and could barely think as Eleanor gently removed her fur bed robe, lifting her arms one by one so the she could help her sister with the heavy velvet sleeves.

"I cannot do it" Elizabeth gasped, her brow creasing as beads of glistening sweat began to appear on her skin as she lay down "not without our mother" at her words, Eleanor suddenly stilled where she had been laying her sister's robe at the end of the bed, shaking her head as guilt tore mercilessly into her heart.

If it were not for her, their Mother may have been there.

"You are strong" she observed sternly, forcing herself into motion again, seeking to distract herself by proving useful "you will give England a Prince on this day! A fine York Prince!"

A harsh laugh, that quickly descended into a cry, came from Elizabeth as she pressed her aching body further into the soft pillows behind her.
"A Prince called Richard" she mused, finding herself smiling a little as her sister looked at up with surprise in her face "Edward will not allow him to be called anything else" she explained and Eleanor nodded, though could not hide the look of pride that brightened her expression ever so slightly.

"Perhaps we should pray?" Lady Margaret suggested as she approached the bed and Eleanor turned to greet her only to jump as Elizabeth gave a frustrated yell.
"Oh, get out!" The Queen cried as Margaret flinched at the sharp order "get out! I do not want you here!"

"I think you have made that clear enough" Eleanor snapped as the dark haired woman scurried away, the other ladies in waiting staring after her. Though the Duchess' gasp filled the room as a blonde haired girl entered the room, her eyes darting around before they settled on the bed and a relived smile crossed her face.

"Catherine!" Mary exclaimed excitedly as she ran forward to greet her little sister, momentarily abandoning her task of pouring hot water into a china basin. Catherine embraced her elder sister with a familiar giggle that made Eleanor smile as she too walked forward for an embrace.

"Leena!" The young Duchess greeted, kissing Eleanor on the cheek as she squeezed her hands fondly "it has been a long time since we were last together"
"It has!" Her elder sister admitted "though it has only been a few weeks since I saw your Henry"

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