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~Acts of Treason~

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~Acts of Treason~

England. A land of torn loyalties and turncoats. Of treachery and murder. Of suspicion and wary glances that followed nobles an commoners alike.

Or, at least, that was what the land had become during the year of 1477. Ever since the Duke of Clarence had been found hiring a sorcerer and conspiring against both the King and Queen. With his disappearance the country seemed to have been thrown into chaos, more so in the nobility than anywhere else.

Rumours spread like wildfire, simple sparks, a word or two of idle gossip, fanning into a flame that threatened the very positions of nobles in mere moments.

Some said that George was on the run, was sheltering in one of his country manors plotting to take the crown for himself. Others claimed that his disappearance was no simple disappearance at all, that he had been secretly murdered by his own brother or by the Queen.

His hatred for Elizabeth was known country-wide by that point for he had made no secret of it and now everywhere the Queen went she could hear the whispers, feel the suspicious glances that were sent her way, wondering if the rumours were true.

'Witch!' 'Murderer!' 'Traitor!'

She knew there were some who said she was a witch. What would happen if they found evidence that it was true?

Even the North, the safe haven so cared for by its inhabitants, had not been left untouched throughout the past year. Anne had moved to Sudeley Castle, taking Isabel with her and even taking her Mother from sanctuary to be with them! She gathered her family close, fearful to let them go even a metre from the castle although she felt a little safer in her own household.

Rumours began to spread that George was hiding at Middleham; had been taken in by Eleanor or that she was hiding him from the law in an attempt to save him.

While she dismissed all these claims with a wave of her hand and most fervent protests (that were echoed by an outraged Richard) when Edward sent men to search the castle and the Gloucester's lands, a part of her wished that she was shielding him. At least then she would know where he was!

She had heard nothing from him since Autumn of 1476 and led sleepless nights worrying for him, almost willing him to run, to get out of England while he still could. But she knew he wouldn't and she knew he hadn't. Her instincts told her that he was still in England, biding his time.

Waiting for something.
She wished she knew what.

And she was sure that if he was intending to flee he would have sought out Eliza and would have taken her with him or at least tried to make contact if he was safely away! He loved her. For all his failings he loved his and Bella's daughter.
'He would not abandon her' Eleanor told herself firmly as she clutched her pillow to her chest one morning 'he will not abandon her'

𝐸𝑑𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒 || 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐻𝐼𝑇𝐸 𝑄𝑈𝐸𝐸𝑁Where stories live. Discover now