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~Woodville Brood~

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~Woodville Brood~

"Are you sure you wish for her to stay?" Eleanor whispered as George tucked a sleeping Eliza into her bed, gently smoothing her hair away from her peaceful face. He nodded.
"Isabel is at Warwick castle with Maggie. She is with child again you see...."
"I know" Eleanor said softly "I made sure she was not at court before I brought Eliza....I do not wish to cause her any unease even if she and I have never been the best of friends"

George smiled gratefully, raking a hand through his hair before he began to pad around the room, blowing out the candles that lit it as he went.

"I want to spend every moment I can with her" he explained, looking momentarily towards his sleeping daughter who had curled up under the covers "I want her to know that I love her and with the French war approaching....well if anything happens I do not want for her to forget me"

"Nothing will happen!" Eleanor reassured him, linking their arms as he stood beside her once more "I do not wish for this war, George, I won't not deny it....but Edward has decided that it shall go ahead so now we must support him" her brother nodded again, sighing a little before the pair turned and left the room, shutting the door quietly behind them.

Eleanor looked up at the curved windows, seeing the soft glow of an amber sunset shining through the diamond panes of glass. The long summer days meant extra hours of daylight but if the sun was now making way for the moon then it must be late!

The distant chime of a clock striking ten confirmed her thoughts and she turned to her brother, reaching out to pat George on the shoulder "You can be very sweet sometimes" she murmured, almost chuckling to herself as his cheeks turned an embarrassed scarlet "I know that you pride yourself in appearing cold and somewhat intimidating but you are a good Father to Eliza and she loves you for it"

"I hope I am a good Father to all of my children" George admitted quietly, once again running a hand through his hair "despite my other failings"
"We all have our failings" Eleanor returned with a smile "Lord knows I certainly do, though I am trying to right some of them!"

"Such as throwing off the yolk of your sister?" He teased, earning a small push as they headed towards the doorway.
"You'll be pleased to hear I snapped at her for what I think was the first time in my entire life today! It was when she questioned me on bringing Eliza to you and from the look she gave me I do not think I have heard the end of it" she replied, grinning as George did.

"Hallelujah! I was beginning to think this day would never come, beloved honey pie!" He cried, raising his hands to the ceiling before looking quickly to the door behind which lay Eliza and lowered his voice. Eleanor merely giggled, he had called her that same nickname the night he and his brothers had returned from exile.

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