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~Yours and Mine~

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~Yours and Mine~

Arm in arm, Eleanor and Elizabeth walked along the corridors of Westminster, heads held high as they smiled at one another. Behind them, Anthony and Jacquetta walked merrily with the little Princesses, the widowed Countess, holding her little Grandson proudly in her arms.

"We are safe!" Eleanor exclaimed with glee, momentarily leaning her head against her elder sister's shoulder "you are safe, Lizzie!"
"We are!" Elizabeth laughed, kissing the younger woman's forehead affectionately as she smiled. "with a great deal of thanks being owed to you!"

"You're my sister and my Queen" Eleanor replied warmly "I would do anything for you and you know it!" The Queen nodded and gently squeezed her arm.
"I know that I can always count on you" she murmured before chuckling as Lizzie and Mary threw up the train of her golden gown, shrieks of laughter escaping them while Cecily giggled and stamped her little feet upon the marble floor.

"Girls! Girls!" Jacquetta called, motioning for them to clap as the three sons of York headed towards them, each dressed in cloth of gold with chains of office around their necks.

Eleanor dipped down into a curtsey as they passed but kept her head slightly raised, smiling at her husband and the King before her eyes moved to George. He nodded kindly to her as he came by but the moment his gaze came to settle on Elizabeth, his eyes narrowed, as did hers, and the Queen took her son into her arms, protectively kissing his forehead.

As the Duchess rose, she looked at Isabel Neville, who was also rising from a curtsy and frowned at her smug expression. Isabel looked as if she had won something, as if she was coveting some secret victory of her own and Eleanor did not like it, ignoring her (as the Queen did) as they passed.

The joyous smiles returned to their faces, however, as they entered the great hall to the applause and commendation of the members of the York court, nearly all now fully returned to London.

"Up please, Aunt Lyanna!" Lizzie demanded, reaching upwards as her Aunt grinned at her, swiftly lifting her up from the floor and into her arms.
"Is that better, Princess?" She asked and the little girl nodded, beaming around at all of the courtiers, trying to nod gratefully to each and every one of them!

Stepping up onto the dais that held the thrones, Edward nodded to Eleanor with a grin, one she returned, before Richard held out a hand to her and brought her to his side.

"Liz" he greeted as his young neice beamed adoringly up at him.
"Uncle Dickon" she replied merrily, almost bouncing in her Aunt's arms before she wiggled from them and ran to her little brother, taking his hand.

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