Pt. 49

48 3 0

Anthony: So about Mexicans...

Caesar: Oh no...

Rebel: why Mexicans???

Swift: I love how they did nothing to you and yet you're still gonna yell out racial slurs.

Anthony: they just love partying a lot don't they?

Caesar: I guess...???

Swift: okay so far so good.

Rebel: where are you going with this?

Anthony: Why are they so loud? All they do is talk gibberish to each other all day.

Caesar: that gibberish is called Spanish, genius.

Anthony: oh why thank you! * smiles * I know I'm smart!

Rebel: He was being sarcastic...

Anthony: what do you mean?

Swift: He was pretending to compliment you, dumb fuck.

Anthony: Wait so he was being happy about it???

Caesar: Babe, that's enthusiastic. I was being sarcastic.

Anthony: So that thing you called the Mexican people that played the instruments??

Caesar: That's fantastic, I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!

Anthony: oh. Then why didn't you just say so?

Caesar: * growls *

Duff: Ant is annoying as fuck

Swift: I agree

Rebel: Same


Duff: you already did!

Anthony: SHUTTUP! Even though You're right-

Rebel: damn right I'm right.

Anthony: only black peoples * shakes head, chuckles *

Caesar: * back slaps Anthony *

Anthony: Ow-

PB: I swear I always walk in at the wrong times.

Duff: sup bitch.

PB: sup whore.

Duff: whatcha up to?

PB: looking at you all. You?

Duff: dating my digital boyfrien.

PB: oh yeah? Well tell him I said hey.

Swift: uh Peanut...

Rebel: Man Don say nothin to that phone! He fake!

PB: Oh-

Duff: He may be fake but at least he's loyal.

Blackout: and not racist.

Anthony: I hope you get pulled over for no reason.

Blackout: YOU KNOW WHAT—

Jermal: * barges into house * Whattup niggas. What it do? Aye!

Caesar: hey Jermal. Why the fuck you walk into without knocking-

Anthony: Jer-who???

Swift: I have never met this dude...

Duff: huh who?? * looks up, gasps * Oh mah gawd be seggsy!

Jermal: I thought I'd make myself at home ya know? Been a while since we last seen you Caesar. We miss havin you on the basketball team.

Caesar: Yeah well I ain't comin back. So quit the flattering shit.

Anthony: WHO IS THIS MAN?!

Caesar: my ex teammate, Jermal Henson.

Jermal: Pleased to meet you, lil white boy. * shakes Anthony's hand *

Anthony: GAH! * tanks hand away, fake cries * MAH HAND HAS BEEN ASSAULTED AND STAINED BY THE BLACKNESS.

Jermal: Nigha I will—

PB: yeah imma stop this right here before it escalates 😬.

To be continued...

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