Pt. 2

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Caesar: Dad! Anthony is tryin ta rape me! HELP!

Swift: *hears muffled voice* Did you hear that?

Rebel: Naw. C'mon. *French kisses him*

Swift: *melts into kiss*

Anthony: Get yo ass on this bed now!

Caesar: *gasps in fear,gets on bed,looks innocently at Anthony* An-Anthony...?

Anthony: Oh so you're giving me mouth?! *slaps him,punches him* Lay yo ass down!

Caesar: *tears fall down from face* Anthony, You're hurting me........Why....?

Anthony: Do you even notice when You hurt Me?! I'm just returning a favor!

Caesar: What the fuck are you talkin bout nigga?!

Anthony: Shut the hell up! *Shoves penis up his ass with no lube*

Caesar: O-Owa! Ant!!! I'm still a virgin!

Anthony: *smirks* Looks like I'll be the one taking your virginity..... *thrusts in him rough and hard*


Anthony: Oh no baby, once I start I don't stop.

Caesar: Oowaa! Ah~ oh God~!

Anthony: -mind- I-It's working. If I keep this up maybe he'll ask me to be his boyfriend. *smiles a bit,goes a little slower*

Caesar: *grunts,groans,moans* Mmm........

Anthony: *smiles even bigger* That feel good...?

Caesar: Mmmmm........

Duff: (Oo_o)

Anthony: Agh! *cums inside of him,groans appreciatively*

Caesar: Ooooh Goooddd~

Swift: First time having sex aye?

Caesar: *jumps up,looks at doorway,blushes* Dad?! H-how long have you been standing there?!

Rebel: Long enough for me to record it.

Anthony: YES! Our first sex video babe!

Caesar: Don't call me that!

Duff: That was.....whoa- very!

Caesar: Yeah it was, Cock sucker.........

Anthony: -_- You do know I can hear you right?

Caesar: Oh I know. Just wanted to let ya know faggot....

Swift: Kay bedtime! Go to sleep. Have a great sleepover sweetheart.

Caesar: You do know you don't have to talk to me like a kid anymore right, Swift?

Swift: I know. I just wanna talk to you like the mother I'm supposed to be.

Rebel: Listen to your mother!

Swift: Hey! I thought you were the mom!

Rebel: Not anymore! You're the mom now. Welp, g'night kids! Have a good night's sleep. Also, don't let the bed bugs bite. Literally.

Caesar: Night, dads'.

Swift: *turns off lights,exits room, shuts door*


Swift: *slams door open* If you need us we'll be in our room fucking 24/7! Kay. Good night! *shuts door again*

Duff: .........Nigga what the fuck....?

Anthony: I don't know man. I just don't know.

Caesar: *sighs a long sigh*

To be continued.....................

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