Pt. 25

138 8 3

Caesar: *smacks teeth, dials mom's number* Imma call my momma.

Anthony: I don't know why we in detention though.

Duff: Bitch, is you dumb? It was all because of Devin wit his dumb ass...

Devin: I take that as a compliment.

Blackout: I'm changing classes after this. And also, who is that girl?

Kisha: My name is Kishana Deli, but y'all can call me Kisha.

Anthony: Eww...Kisha...? That name's gay.

Kisha: Like you?

Duff: Oooo!

Caesar: Heheh, shots fired!

Kisha: By the way, your friend's cute.

Anthony: ...Which one...? Except for that black guy—

Caesar: ANTHONY!!!!


Anthony: You guys, I meant to say black and white guy.

Caesar: Mm-hmm. Okay mama, I'll call you back.

Swift: Love you sweetie. And be good in class next time before daddy beats. Though he might


Caesar: MA! Bye! Gosh! *hangs up*

Duff: What did he say about your dad beating you...?

Caesar: Nun of yo business Duff, DAMN!!!!

Devin: Get his ass!

Duff: Oh don't make me start on you Devin. I will beat the shit out of you. Imma be pulling weave

and everything!

Caesar: Kick his ass!

Devin: WHAT?!


Kisha: Stupid asses...

Blackout: Why am I here?

To be continued...

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