Pt. 4

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Anthony: Fuck!

Caesar: What?

Anthony: I forgot what I was gonna say.....

Duff: Really nigga.....?

Caesar: Bitch Imma fuck yo ass up!

Anthony: Okay Daddy. *bends over,smacks ass* Come and get some booty.😏

Swift: *eyes widen looking at Anthony's ass* Daaaaamn!

Leo: Swift.

Swift: What?

Leo: Fuck me!

Swift: Okay. *picks up Leo,brings him to a room*

Anthony: I'm waiting daddy...😙

Caesar: *kicks his ass literally*

Anthony: Oww!.........That felt good for some reason.....

Duff: He is so gay.....

Caesar: You are too retard! We all are! We're a family of gays.

Duff: Oh yeah.

Doorbell rings

Caesar: I got that shit. *opens door,blushes hard*

Duff: Oh's him....

Caesar: Rick?? What are you doing here?!

Rick: I came to see how you are doing. And I also wanna make sure that faggot doesn't put his hands on you *points at Anthony*

Anthony: *balls up fist*

Duff: Well, hey.

Rick: Sup D. *slaps Caesar's ass* I missed you.....Slut.........

Caesar: I missed you too babe..Fag......

Swift: Oh look......It's the dick head who ain't got a dick. *snickers*


Caesar: Calm down dads'! He's just here to see me for a bit and then he'll leave. Okay? Can we all just get along for one day?

Swift: *looks at Rebel*

Rebel: *looks at Swift,scoffs* Fine.....

Caesar: Thanks guys! *throws arms around Rick's neck,kisses his cheek*

Anthony: Ew.......

To be continued.......................

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