Pt. 69

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Peanut: I've been trying to get rid of Anthony for a while now, the mother fucker won't budge!

Swift: *shrug* That sounds like a you problem girl.

Peanut: What you mean by that???

Rebel: slurping coffee and eating donut* ... * looks up * Huh?

Swift: What?? Girl there's no meaning to what I said, all I said was that is was a you problem, that's it! * rolls eyes *

Duff: I did hear him say that...

Jermal: It does appear that he did, in context, say that it was a you problem.

Caesar: I heard him say it too--

Peanut: Okay okay! I fucking get it! Shut the fuck up!

Duff: Who the fuck does this fever blister lookin bitch think she talking to?

Anthony: I think he was talking to your white ass. Dumb fuck...

Jermal: What about ass now? * lifts eyebrow, looks up from laptop *

Anthony: Get back to your college courses on how to hop the border you tortilla making bitch! * sticks up middle finger *

Jermal: Mmmm... * takes deep breath * Ignore him Jermal, it's not worth going to jail for...

Caesar: Anthony, why must you be the root of all the conflict in the book?

Anthony: What do you mean?

Duff: Literally all of the problems in this book has been because of you, like what? Have you been asleep the whole time or some shit-...?

Jamiroquai: * clears throat * So...what does cum consist of?

Peanut: Whhhhat?

Jermal: Heh??

Caesar: I'm sorry? What does this have to do with the conversation at hand?

Rebel&Anthony: It's made of sperm.

Swift: ...Sometimes I wonder...why am I involved with these people?

Peanut: I agree with you on that one Swift. Why do you need to know what cum is made of?

Jamiroquai: It's a school project for sex ed. And y'all just gave me the answer just like that. I'm for sure gonna pass now!

Jermal: What's the point of gaining education if you're just gonna cheat your way through life like that? Don't you know that in order to do the things that earn you shit ton of money you have to actually know what the fuck to do on your own?

Jamiroquai: You have a fair point there old man.

Jermal: Old-?

Anthony: The correct term is alien.

Jermal: I'm ignoring that... -_-

Peanut: I feel very much out of place here...

Duff: Same, and that's my own son.

Earnist: That's your son? You have a son mate?

Duff: Yes! Bartholameul, I have a son.

Earnist: My name is Earnist...


Caesar: No one else drunk it but you fat ass.

Rebel: Excuse me?!

Swift: Hey, you don't talk to your father like that.

Caesar: Yes I do, read the other parts.

Swift: Fair--

Duff: I'm hungry!!

Peanut: Then eat-

Duff: For some dick!

Peanut: ... * points hand gun to head, fires, falls onto floor *

Anthony: RIP.

Caesar: This is why we need to mind what our mouth holes have to say.

Rebel: Naw, you gotta worry about what them mouth holes can do.

Peanut: I'm just tired of the stupidity in this house.

Swift: Wait...WHO'S STUPID?!

Peanut: Like why can't we all just be normal?

Caesar: Ya know, it only takes one action to make it all stop.

Peanut:'re not saying--...?

Swift: * puts hand on Peanut's shoulder * Caesar's right, it's about that time. You've been writing this thing for a couple of years now. It's time to let go.

Peanut: But-...

Rebel: Most people stopped reading about us anyways, so it's fine. We're basically history. It's time to leave it all behind.

Anthony: Aw man! I don't wanna go yet! Please don't take away my fame Peanut.

Peanut: You guys are right..I guess this is goodbye then?

Duff: Goodbye indeed.

Caesar: We'll still be in your mind.

Rebel: Your soul.

Swift: And your heart.

Anthony: And I be right behind you once you go back to Africa!

Peanut: I don't feel so bad anymore...

*Stops writing*

The End

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