Pt. 15

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Fluffykitty: It's your girl Fluffykitty! (Aka my OC)

Caesar: Whaddup bich!

FK: It's my ex boyfriend.....ew....

Everyone else: *looks at caesar* slut.....

Anthony: What else do I not know?

Caesar: Uuuuuuuuhhhh........

Swift: So you a girl, right?

FK: *looks down at her chest, looks back up at Swift* well naw dip fam.


FK: -._-. .............fuk you.......

Rebel: What you doin here? ...........hoe.........

FK: My mom dropped me off for me to stay for a few months.

Caesar: MONTHS?! Oh hell naw! Nuh-uh!!!

FK: Hell yeah!

PB: What you doing?

FK: *looks at PB, rolls eyes* Wait, who the fuk is you?

PB: Your creator.

FK: ...

Swift: ...

Duff: ...

A few moments later.........

PB: Anyway, where's Emily?

FK: My mom going to New York.

PB: Okay. Where's Markaplier?

FK: You mean my bich for a gay dad? Yeah, him and Jack are both with my mom.

PB: Uh-huh......and how old are you?

FK: 5, why?

PB: ......You um-- y-you showin cleavage.......

Swift: So? I like it that way.

PB: Oh boy, here we go again with this shit.....

Duff: Nigga, I'm high as fuk right now.

Anthony: UUUUGGGGGHHH! We know!!!!!

Blackout: Wow, someone got an attitude....

Anthony: Says the rip-off version of daddy shark.

Blackout: Da fuk?! Who the-- what the fuk is daddy shark?!

Anthony: Oh you don't know? Then you really a dumb ass.

Blackout: Bitch! Fight my ass!

Anthony: Bring it on big boy!

Caesar: *sighs, face palms self* Oh my gosh....

Anthony: Put'em up big fella-- g-gimme head big fella!

Blackout: WAT?!

Everyone else: Whoa damn!!

To be continued............

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