Pt. 16

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Ladies and gentleman, I would like to welcome a special guest to our TMNT Street Punks interview!


Anyway, I would like to welcome, Ms. Fluffykitty!

FK: *walks in, sits on sofa*

Jeff: hello Ms. Fluffykitty, my name is Jeff and I'm a local news reporter. All I'm gonna do is ask ya

questions. Alright?

FK: *texts Mark on phone, is way into it* uh-huh....

Jeff: .......

*live audience laughs*

Jeff: *clears throat* Anyway, question 1. How is life so far?

FK: Well, it's actually been great. .....until I figured out that my dad, Mark is a famous YouTuber. His YouTube name is Markiplier.

Jeff: Wow, I sure do wish I was famous.


Jeff: ......Oh wait! I am! *laughs*

*crowd laughs*

Jeff: Okay, question 2. Why do you have 2 dads? Is your mom divorced? If so, why?

FK: no. My mom is not divorced. She's just a hoe, just like me! Like mother, like daughter.

Emily: That's my bitch! Aaaayyyyyyeeee!

FK: aaaayyyyyeee!

Jeff: Why does your mom call you a bitch?

FK: comment!

Jeff: So how is your family staying together?

FK: I sure as hell don't know, I think it has something to do with ramming someone....? I don't know!

Jeff: o.0

FK: yeah!

Jeff: oh......kaaaayyyy.....? Where are you staying currently?

FK: Who asking?

Jeff: me. Who's asking?

FK: me. Why? Who's asking?

Jeff: me. Who's--wait a minute.....DAMMIT!!

Fk: ha! Bitch!

Markiplier: you're doing a good job sweetheart! *claps* woo!

FK: shut the fuk up you faggot ass whore!

Mark: ....

Emily: Imma whoop yo ass when we get home bitch!!

Jacksepticeye: .....well damn......

Jeff: Well, it looks like it's time for this show to end. Is there anything you'd like to say before we leave?

FK: yes. *stands up in chair because I am short* Bye bitches! Fuk all of y'all and have a good Halloween!

Jeff: um......

This show has been age-restricted for people under 18+

To be continued.....................

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