Pt. 68

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Anthony: * long sigh * Blackies...the route of the world's conflict.

Caesar: Anthony, the cause of my suicide—

Swift: Do you disrespect your mother with that mouth?

Anthony: No, but I suck dick with this mouth. Eheheheheh.

Rebel: That's-...

Swift: -__-

Peanut: That's gay as fuck...

Anthony: Really? No shit, Sherlock. You better be glad you're light skinned because I would've said some unforgivable things that I would not have taken back.

Peanut: Oh no~ I'm so scared~... -_-

Caesar: Damn, girly ain't scared of shit apparently. You okay, Peanut?

Peanut: I'm good. I've just been going through some shit lately. I won't even exaggerate, no cap, on sight.

Swift: ...What the fuck was that?

Peanut: What was what?

Swift: That random ass mumble?

Peanut: Oh, I do that a lot. Anyways, how's Duff doing with his new man?

Duff: He's got a small dick. He need a bigger package.

Earnist: It is the average size, mate!

Rebel: How big are you?

Swift: That's not...appropriate...

Rebel: Nothing in this house is appropriate.

Caesar: He's got a fair point—

Anthony: You know, the average idiot would know that by now.

Rebel: Listen here you cunt—

Peanut: ANYWAYS! I can't really fix that for you-....let me rephrase that. I could help you. I just don't want to. You know?

Duff: What do I have to do to make you do that for me?

Anthony: deep voice * Kiss her...

Peanut: What?! EW NO! Please don't, I will kill myself—

Caesar: No Peanut! Don't do that! You're worth so much more!

Peanut: Aw... really? 🥺

Duff: Yeah girl, even though you drive us nuts, you're worth a million bucks.

Peanut: Awwwww!

Anthony: Actually, you're the equivalent to a penny. Not even that, you're worth a dirt particle.

Peanut: Keep testing me, I'll show you a dirt particle. But for real Duff, you could do something for me. * smirk *

Duff: I don't like that face...

Swift: This is the part where you fucked up.

Peanut: You could take me out to dinner and out to the movies!

Duff: Jesus fucking Christ...

Rebel: Well you truly walked into that one buddy.

Caesar: So about that job I had...

Swift: Oh yeah! You've been working there for a year already, no?

Caesar: Eheheheh...actually I quit a month later. >><<

Swift: Why?

Duff: You got fired, bestie?

Caesar: Actuallyyyyyy, Anthony got me fired!

Anthony: Whaaaaaat?  No I didn't! * smirk * That was your own fault.

Caesar: You said that I called a random stranger a nigger!

Anthony: that you mention it that does sound like me. 😅

Rebel: We fucking hate you...

Anthony: I know! 😌

To be continued?

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