Pt. 8

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Anthony: gaah~ aah! *Gasps loudly moaning*

Rebel: *pushes all the way in and out, goes faster* uggggggghhhhh.......shit!

Anthony: Oh my go- aaah~ gaah.

30 hours later.....

Rebel: *arms crossed, sitting on couch*

Anthony: *arms also crossed, sitting on couch*

Caesar: Whoa, what's going on here?

Swift: Yeah, what happened to lovey dovey eyes being made toward each other?

Rebel: It's over

Anthony: Yeah

Caesar: Why?

Anthony: Because.......It wasn't long enough!

Rebel: Well, at least I don't wear tampons!

Anthony: Hey! At least my dick ain't shorter than toad!

Rebel: Fuck you!

Swift: Oh my god...

Ding, Dong

Swift: Wonder who that could be! *opens door, gasps*

???: Hi!

Swift: OMG!

Caesar: Who is it dad?!

Swift: ......I don't know who this bitch is, how about ya tell meh.

Dj: My name is DJ! I am y'alls biggest fan! I have Rebel's body pillow~......

Swift: 0_0

Caesar: 0oO

Anthony: Um....

Dj: Sorry for being weird! Please forgive me!

Swift: You know you can talk how ya want right?

Dj: Huh..?

Rebel: Yeah talk all the carp ya wont!

Dj: Yay! That reminds me, can I call y'all my n-

Caesar: *cocks gun*

Swift: *grabs knife*

Anthony: *grabs crowbar*

Rebel: *grabs hammer*

Dj: 0o0

Caesar: Uh, now, you were saying?

Dj: Nothing!

To be continued.......

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