Pt. 1

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Swift: Rebel, why are you eating my cake?!

Rebel: I'm hungry......

Swift: So? You can't be goin around the damn house and eating someone else's shit! That's messed up!

Rebel: Okay fine! I'm sorry a'ight? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings by eating a humongous piece of your cake. Will you please forgive me?

Swift: 😒 Fine........ Just don't do that shit again.........

Rebel: I won't. *Puts arm around Swift's waist,pulls into a passionate kiss,sticks tongue down his throat*

Swift: Mm.......

Caesar: Guys! I thought I told you two to stop making out in front of me and my friends! *blushes* You're both embarrassing me!

Anthony: It's okay Caesar. I think it's hot anyway.

Duff: Anthony....... Your gross......-_-

Anthony: I know. 😏

Caesar: Will you just- come on!

Anthony: Sure I'll "cum" for you. *grins stupidly*

Swift: *wraps arms around Rebel's neck*

In Caesar's room

Caesar: So......... waddya guys wanna do?

Anthony: Honestly?

Caesar: Yeah nigga that's basically what I just said.......

Anthony: Well honestly I wanna fuck you........

Caesar: -_-...... *slaps Anthony across the face* Don't even think about it.......

Anthony: *whimpers*

Duff: How about truth or dare?

Caesar: Hmm...... sounds like fun, let's do it!

Duff: Okay, me first. Caesar, truth or dare?

Caesar: *thinks* Mmmmm........... hard decision but-

Anthony: Hard, decision?

Caesar: Shut the hell up! Truth.

Duff: Is it true that you have a little crush on Derrick?

Anthony: -mind- Better not .............

Caesar: *blushes,looks down in embarrassment, smiles* Yeah...I kinda do have a crush on him......

Duff: Aww!

Anthony: *yells* DAMMIT! *eyes widen,looks at Duff and Caesar*

Caesar: -mind- What the hell is his problem.....?

Duff: -mind- Uh.....

Anthony: *laughs fake* Hehe, I uh- I'll sit down now. *blushes,frowns*

Duff: Your turn Caesar!

Caesar: Okay! Hmm....... Anthony! Truth or Dare?

Anthony: Truth!

Caesar: Is it true that you like Batman?

Anthony: No...... not even close.....😒. Anyways, Caesar! I dare you ta-

Caesar: Hey! I didn't even get to choose truth or dare!

Anthony: Too late.

Caesar: Nigga-

Duff: Just let the thirsty man do it.

Anthony: I dare you to let me fuck you.

Caesar&Duff: *eyes widen,looks at each other*

Caesar: Oh dear God.........

To be continued...............

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