Pt. 5

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Raph: I don't like him either......he makes me wanna die....

Rick: Good......

Leo: Will you guys stop?!

Swift: Naw. We bored.

Caesar: *sits on Rick's lap*

Anthony: *growls* Cock......

Rebel: Swift!

Swift: What?!

Rebel: I lov you....

Swift: Aw Reb...I love y-

Rebel: Oh sorry did I tell you that? I meant to tell goochie over there with the sexy ass. *whistles at Raphael*

Raph: Aw...*blushes,giggles*

Duff: Welp, Caesar. I'm goin home. Have a good night guys!

Everyone except Rebel: Kay bye!

Rebel: Love you......

Duff: What?

Rebel: Nothin'.........I wanna be with you......

Duff: Uhhhh......*runs out of door*

Rebel: Shoot....

Rick: Lost another one, old man?

Rebel: Who you callin' old? You're the one who looks like you're fifty years old!

Leo: Ooh.

Rick: You know it's because of my height!

Rebel: Okay. So?

Caesar: *kisses Rick's neck*

Rick: So I- Uh....... I-I..... Mm.

MK: Wassup my niggas!

Rebel: MK! Wattup?

Ghost: I hate you all....

Swift: ........ *hugs Ghost* We know!

Raph: I'm hungry!

MK: Here. Have a bite of my sandwich.

Raph: *grabs sandwich* Thanks. *looks inside sandwich,slowly puts top bread back on* ........I don't like mayo....

MK: ...........Then eat shit!

Raph: O_o

Anthony: Oh snap!

To be continued....................

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