Pt. 52

41 2 4

Jermal: ...

PB: So um...Jermal where did you originate.

Jermal: California.

PB: sweet!

Jermal: Thanks.

Rebel: Aw she's flirting!

PB: Why would I be flirting if I'm taken? -_-

Rebel: Nevermind.

Jamiroquai: Ma, I'm goin to school. Fuck all y'all hoes! * sticks up middle finger, walks out the door *

Duff: Fuck you too son! * happy sigh * They grow up so fast.

Caesar: I wants a baby...

Anthony: I don't, babies are trash.

Caesar: What's that supposed to mean Ant? -__-

Anthony: Oh boy....I promise you if I say anything else, it's for sure gonna be offensive. 😬


Anthony: Okay fine! I hate babies because they all look like disabled raisins when they first come out. They just look straight up ugly and fat. Like who would wanna hold that 24/7 huh?! No one!

Duff: I did.

Swift: No one fucking cares about you bitch.

Duff: Shut the fuck up whore.

Swift: coming from the whore.

Duff: Dick sucker.

Swift: you're one too.

Duff: * about to say something, pauses * .... You're right-

Caesar: * shakes head * You've never even experienced being around one, dumbass.

Anthony: Being around Duff's unvaxed child was enough for me to lose my shit-

Caesar: So your saying a baby from me is a bad idea?

Anthony: I ain't say that.

Caesar: that's practically whachu aimin at!

Anthony: * holds finger up * Correction, the only place I will be aiming at is your prolapsed butthole.

Caesar: NO!

Anthony: Yessssss 😏

Rebel: that's fucking discussing.

Anthony: Just like your skin color 😃

Rebel: * throws chair at Anthony *

Anthony: * on the floor * ...Ow...

Duff: Babies are so cute.

Caesar: yeah when they're mine.

Duff: No... stop... you lyin-

Caesar: * bitch slaps Duff *

Duff: AHN~ YES~!


Anthony: Aren't all niggers??? Hahahah—

Jermal: * punches Anthony *

Anthony: Ow—

PB: That's enough for one day-

To be continued...

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