Pt. 60

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Anthony: Did y'all know, that monkey pox is going around now.

Caesar: Boy, whet de hale are you talkin about?

Swift: Haven't you caused enough havoc?

Anthony: Well, this book wouldn't be as good without me. Honestly.

PB: I beg to differ-...

Rebel: Les be honest here, people only like you because you're stupid enough to risk your life and dignity for dumb ass jokes that are considered ✌🏽 cancel culture ✌🏽.

Anthony: Reb, look, you're just mad because I'm better than you in every way.

Caesar: * sighs * Here we gooo * rolls eyes *

Rebel: And what do you mean by that? And why in the actual fuck, would I be jealous of you?

PB: Of course you would ask that-

Anthony: I am so glad you asked! * clears throat * Because you're a fucking nigger and I'm not.

Rebel: ...

Swift: * shakes head *

PB: * face palms self * -mind- This mofo just won't stop...

Rebel: * deeply inhales, throws table at Anthony *

Anthony: * pummeled* OW FUCK MEEEEE!

Caesar: Naw I'm good.

Anthony: * gasps dramatically * But babeh whyyyy?

Caesar: Because you're a fucking psychopathic bitch! And also because I only want yo dick—

Anthony: But...that's gay-

Caesar: You will be the main reason I turn straight—

Anthony: And I'll make sure I turn you gay again.

Swift: Huh????

Rebel: What is going on?

Caesar: Hahah, Go on Anthony, tell me. How the fuck are you gonna do that exactly?

Anthony: Allow me to explain! UwU * clears throat * I'll fuck you.

Caesar: And I'll call rape.

Anthony: Go ahead! They can't stop me from raping you! AMIRIGHT?! HAAAAA! * laughs, raises hand *

Swift: * gasp *

Jermal: Oh hale naw bruh—

Caesar: Hey Jermal! * waves, smiles *

Duff: My crush has entered the buildin', hullo~! * duck lips *

Blackout: * decks Anthony in the throat * When will yo dumb ass learn?!

Anthony: NEVER!

Caesar: ANTHONY!

Anthony: WHAT?!

Caesar: Joking about rape isn't funny.

Anthony: It is to me. Wanna know why?

Swift: Why?

Ghost: Of course you would...

Anthony: Because I'm the definition of controversy. * troll grin *

Duff: We already knew that from the beginning. * rolls eyes * dumb fuck

Anthony: No one asked you, baboon.

Duff: Shut the fuck up you trick ass bitch. That's why yo dick vibes don't match your energy!

Anthony: That's why you're a nigger and let's hope 12 knocks on the door! * laughs *

Rebel: MAANNNNNN FUCK12! * roars *

Caesar: What's 12?

Jermal: * sighs * The cops... -_-

Anthony: Did y'all know?

PB: What now?

Swift: Oh boy...

Anthony: That Peanut's straight?

PB: * slow blink * ...

To be continued...

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