Pt. 7

487 16 6

Swift: Reb....

Rebel: Wot?

Swift: I loaf u boo boo!

Reb: Love u too you whore.

Caesar: Mmmmm~

Ricky: Mmh! Damn you tight!

Anthony: *listening,whispers* Damn.....

Swift: *sneaks up behind him* Hey Anthony, you lonely?

Anthony: *jumps and screams* THE FUCK!?

Swift: -_- ...............

Anthony: bad. *laughs nervously*

Rebel: Wassup y'all....

Swift: Hey boo!

Rebel: *winks at Anthony, blows him a kiss*

Anthony: *blushes* Wanna make out....?

Rebel: *eyes widen* Uh....well I-I mean.....sure.

Anthony: *smiles big*

Swift: Have fun! *waves*

Rebel: *grabs Anthony's hand, leads him to room* .......

Anthony: *blushing more, looks down*

Rebel: *lifts his chin up with finger, smiles at him* I like you....

Anthony: I-I like you too.....

Rebel: *pecks his lips with mine*

Anthony: *looks away with a crimson red on my face*

Rebel: Don't look away from me, beautiful. *squeezes butt*

Anthony: O-O

Rebel: *shoves tongue down throat, licks his lips willingly*

Anthony: *Kisses back roughly*

Rebel: *pulls his clothes off*

To Be Continued......................................

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