Pt. 11

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In the kitchen

Swift: Dinner time!!

Caesar: Yay! *runs into kitchen, sits in chair*

Swift: *snickers*

Caesar: What's so fucking funny...?

Swift: Psych! You fell for it! You dumbask!

Caesar: -._-. ..........fuk you

Swift: But we do have a surprise for you. Well, your dad does anyway.

Caesar: What is it?

Swift: Bring it in Reb! *smiles big*

Rebel: I'm coming! Ugh! *pushes robot into house, stops at table*

Caesar: 0.O

Swift: Ta-Da!!!

Caesar: wtf is that?!

Swift: "that", is your new sister. Meet Susie Smilez. She may be a robot bunny but she is surely friendly!

Rebel: *pushes on button*

Susie: *activates, looks around* Hello, my name is Susie! Nice to meet ya! *shakes Caesar's hand*


Susie: *stops, looks down* Sorry....I didn't mean to, I can't help that my hands are stronger than human hands.

Caesar: You sure ain't no sister of mine!

Susie: *gasps, sniffles, runs out of kitchen*

Swift: Caesar! You little son of a bitch!

Caesar: I'm not a song of a bitch, I'm the son of you, and him.

Rebel: *ain't paying no attention* Wot?

Swift: Whatever! Apologize right now mister!

Caesar: Fine! UGH! *stomps out of kitchen*

Swift: *shakes head*

Rebel: *gets off of floor*........Geez, what a bitch.

To be continued.................

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