Pt. 63

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Caesar: * humming Rihanna's Lift Me Up *

Swift: You always humming shit, da fuck is you humming this time?

Caesar: None of yo got damn business, mom.

Swift: -mutters- I ain't no damn woman...

Rebel: Them moans say otherwise. Ahehehehehehehehe.

Swift: -_-...

Caesar: 😒...

Rebel: Ahehehehe- 😐

Duff: Y'all, it be quiet as fuck in here.

Caesar: Well for one, Anthony's at work—

Anthony: * breaks down door, shouts * HELLO FAMILY OF NIGGERS! IT IS I! SIR ANTHONY TO THE RESCUE OF THOSE WHO ARE OF CAUCASIAN DECENT! * places fists on hips *

Duff: I spoke too soon dammit. * rolls eyes *

Caesar: Son of a bitch...

Swift: Who you callin a bitch?

Caesar: Not you, ho! 😡

Swift: Aw why? 🥺

Caesar: Becau— Whaaaat?

Rebel: Don't listen to him, bitch. Daddy will take over... * hugs Swift, slaps Swift aggressively *

Swift: OW! * crying * Thank you honey, just how I like it! 😭

Caesar: 😟

Anthony: Mm, kinky!

Peanut: Shut up Anthony.

Anthony: And what're gonna do about it, tar donkey?


Jermal: Do it, I'll record it. * grabs phone *

Anthony: And I'll record you crossing the border! * laughs, winks *

Jermal: * pummels Anthony *

Anthony: Owwww....fuuuuuck...

Duff: Y'all, my boyfriend just bought me flowers! * sticks tongue out * AH 🤪!

Caesar: Nigga what? Not yo ass still dating that fake dude!

Duff: He ain't fake, * caresses phone * He mo real than any of y'all hoes in this room. -3-

Peanut: The fuck is that suppose to mean?

Duff: You fake too.

Peanut: How?

Duff: You had a kid without telling anybody. * crosses arms, turns away with sass * HMPH 😤!

Caesar: Hol up—

Swift: YOU HAD A KID?!

Rebel: Peanut has a kid? 🤨

Anthony: You're a woman?!

Everyone: * glares at Anthony *

Anthony: Don't tell me that I was the only one that didn't know that.

Swift: Fucking how?!

Anthony: I mean, it's a house full of dudes man. To me, she blended in with the others.

Peanut: How * grabs tits * if I have these???

Anthony: I thought they were tumors.

Peanut: ...I'm going to legitimately hurt you...and when I do, I won't be sorry...

Jermal: * gets camera ready *

Caesar: ...* slow blink * YOU HAVE A KID?!

Swift: Caesar, we're over that subject now.

Caesar: Said who bitch?!

Swift: Ahhhnnn~ 😩

Caesar: Ew...what the fuck—

Anthony: Okay so...when you made the baby, how did he transfer the sperm to the nonexistent egg?


Anthony: So...that baby you had, right...?

Peanut: What... -__-

Anthony: Is it a girl or a boy?

Duff: I don't like where this is going.

Jermal: Me eitha.

Anthony: -mutters- Ratchet ass response... I'm just curious, for the viewers' sakes.

Jermal: Nigga what?!

Peanut: A girl...why?

Anthony: I say we name it "Martin Luther King Abraham the Third, He Saved the Coloreds".

Peanut: We are not naming her— WHAT?!

Caesar: That way too long, WAIT A DAMN MINUTE— * punches Anthony's shoulder *

Anthony: * holds shoulder * OWWWHOWHOWHOW!!!! 😫

Duff: Okay but, for real though, what's her name?

Peanut: I am not revealing my daughter's name... -_-

Caesar: Why nooooot? 😭

Swift: Yeah whyyyyyy? ;-;

Rebel: It's cause I'm black...isn't it?

Peanut: ...-sarcasm- suuurrrreee...

Anthony: Finally, someone who agrees with my views!

Peanut: Nononono, I ain't agreeing with shit. I was just being sarcastic.

Anthony: Dammit...Abraham Lincoln should've left you niggers to rot.

Peanut: This is why I don't tell you shit.

Caesar: Then tell us!

Peanut: Fine! * whispers to everyone but Anthony *

Anthony: HEY! Tell me too! Or imma keep guessing. Susan, Amanda, Jalissa, Shamirah, BooKeeKee, Bonqueesha—

Duff: It just gets worse!

Anthony: Jiggerboo!

Peanut: Okay...we're done here.

Anthony: ONE MORE!!

Peanut: What is it? -_-...

Jermal: Please don't say it...

Anthony: Nigg—

To be continued...

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