Pt. 18

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PB: hi guys! It's me PB. And I just wanted to let you know that I thank each and everyone of you for reading TMNT Streetpunks. I truly appreciate your support. Maybe we could give this book more support by sharing it! Go ahead give it a try! Anyway, enjoy this part!


Anthony: *holds Caesar's hand tight* I'm in love with you no matter what baby.

Caesar: Aw~, I love you too honey.

Swift: This is just too cute! I'm sorry but it is.

Rebel: BICH! You suppose to be cookin dinner!

Swift: Alright naw, watch yo mouth.

Rebel: *mumbles*

Swift: *rolls eyes, looks at Caesar and smiles* well I'm gonna cook dinner honey.

Duff: *sits on couch* so, what now?

Blackout: I don't know, but I'm not leaving until you give me back my man.

Anthony: NEVER!!!!!!!

Everyone: *jumps with shock*

FK: ......Well damn.....

Ghost: Wut?

FK: Nun of yo bizness!

Ghost: O.0


PB: Well then...

MK: Why am I still here?

Rebel: I don't know. Why don't you ask the author?

MK: *looks at PB*

PB: ....

MK: *blinks*


MK: Nothin, never mind.

PB: W-What?! Whathe— ugh!

Blackout: You gonna give me my man, no matter how hard it is—

Anthony: *quick voice* That's what he said!

Blackout: —_—

Caesar: ....Bitch!

Anthony: Heheh.... *clears throat*

Blackout: *quick voice* That's what he did!

Anthony: Bruh, shut the fu--

This program is now banned for this certain amount of time: 2 days

PB: FU*K!!!!!!

To be continued...............................

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