CHAPTER 3: Breakthrough

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Within these ten years, Ming Yu Yue give everyone surprise after surprise.

Today is one of those days as a dense amount of pure spirit energy gathers at unimaginable speed inside the spirit gathering pagoda and now she's already breaking through body refining ninth level early stage.

It could be said she's the youngest person to have ever reached the ninth level of body refining stage at such tender age of ten thousands of years.

"Finally after so long, one more level and I can finally see the world outside" she smiled excitedly as she sighs in relief after immersing herself in the pleasant feeling after advancing.

She told her family that she wants to see the outside world alone and they all agree but on one condition. She needs to reach the qi condensation stage in order to protect herself because the outside world is too dangerous, especially for people without strength.

If others hear what she just said they might spit out blood in anger. Who told her that reaching the ninth level early stage of body refining at her age is too long? Others might spend decades just to advance one level, so what is she complaining for?

They can't really blame her because to her the concept of cultivation is all new to her and her parents and sisters are innately gifted and talented. Yu Xue and Yu Hua are just 17 years old now and they are already at Qi refining eight peak-stage practitioners.

"little sis you're going too fast already, you almost caught up with us. Do you really want to go outside that much huh?" Yu Xue'er giggled as she greeted and pats Yu Yue's head when she goes out of the spirit-gathering pagoda.

Yu Yue's eyes narrowed into crescents as she smiled and hold Xue'ers hand coquettishly.

Usually, Yu xue'er would be the one accompanying her because Hua'er would always go to the moon spirit tower to train in martial arts.

"Eldest sister, you're an alchemist, right? Can you teach me?" Yu Yue asked cutely along the way while holding unto xue'ers hand.

She always shamelessly acts cute every time she has a request because everyone can't help but fall for her innocent schemes.

Yu Yue gradually learns to adapt to this foreign place and now starts acting like a naughty child.

In fact, even with her combined age from the past, she's still too young in this world because her parents are already over 50 years old but they all look like in their twenties because the stronger your cultivation the younger you would look.

"I can, but let's wait for your assessment result first" xue'er replied while bowing down and pinching her cheeks. She really can't get enough of her sisters' cuteness and adorableness.

"Hmmm. Hmm," Yu Yue blinks her eyes and nodded obediently.

Yu Yue was fascinated by this world's profession and wanted to learn alchemy the most.

She really wants to learn alchemy first because in the past she wants to become a doctor, she hates the suffocating feeling of just watching the beautiful clear blue sky outside the window, which is why she's been reading many medicinal textbooks and remained hopeful until she died.

In fact, aside from cultivating she also visits physician De Leng jing to learn acupuncture and poisons and to discuss illnesses occasionally.

Even if she's now healthy she still wants to learn it.

Although bright moon palace has only more than two thousand people they are all talented and could be hailed as talented masters outside.

This is also one of the points that make Yu Yue suspicious deep in her mind.

No matter what it is, she likes this place very much.

Xue'er explained things patiently to Yu Yue and also answered her queries on their way to the moon eclipse pavilion because today is her spiritual root assessment and xue'er came along with her.

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