CHAPTER 185: little cheng shi's brother (1)

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Tian Shi caused an upheaval in the entire lava mountain forest, many people tried to investigate what occurs at that time but they end up finding nothing. When they arrived there they only saw dead bodies mangled in an unidentifiable pile of flesh. The scene was truly gory and brutal; it was obvious it was a one-sided massacre and a cruel one at that. It was already a month ago but that bloody scene was still fresh in their minds.

Meanwhile, a group of people was currently resting at the top of one giant tree. Yu Yue just found a three-tailed mother fox a few meters ahead with a newborn cub, it was hunting joyfully. She instantly likes it and wants to keep it for little Shan Shan.

They were about to make a move when they noticed a group of people resting not far away. At first glance, they could tell it was a group of mercenaries based on their clothes. These people look familiar to Yu Yue, it's Yu Shutian's mercenary team. The kind mercenary team they meet long ago in the black forest.

She was about to go and greet them but they discovered another group of mercenaries setting a trap for Yu Shutian's team. Yu yue's eyes turned cold, she saw the mercenary group capture the three-tailed fox's cub and injured it while they sneakily place it near Yu Shutian's resting area. She was a little too far to help it.

When they heard the cries of a spirit beast it was too late, the three-tailed mother fox came running back angrily. A three-tailed fox is already a middle-stage king-level spirit beast, it's really strong and powerful.

Yu Shutian and his team came to look for the weak pitiful cries of a beast, it didn't take long for them to find the injured cub. They look around cautiously before nearing its side. When he was about to pick it up, the mother fox saw him and immediately get furious. Its body grew in size as it howled at them angrily, its tail swiping fastly hitting Yu Shutians back.

He was thrown away like a kite with a broken string, with a loud bang he lost consciousness once he hit the large tree where yu yue's group was currently in.

"Captain!" the mercenary members shouted urgently, they were about to rush in and help but the mother fox saw its cub injured so it grew furious. Its eyes were bloodshot as it swings around its tail wildly.

"little willow, help them quickly" Yu Yue ordered urgently at little willow who was sitting on her head, at his usual spot. 

Its vines shoot off quickly like a snake, and it coiled around the mother fox. The mother fox was so angry that it loses its sanity, it howled angrily as the fire started to burn Little Willow's vines.

Little willow let go, he was still young and his vines can't compare with the fox fire. Yu Yue was speechless, she looks at him expressionlessly.

'hmmp, it's hot. You should try touching its fire' little willow thought aggrievedly as it covered his imaginary face with its leaves.

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