CHAPTER 30: Illegitimate child?

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Little fatty's mind went blank. It happened so quickly he wasn't prepared at all.

When he turned around he only saw his mother looking at Yu Yue tenderly and excitedly.

He felt aggrieved, he was just enjoying his beautiful mother's pampering embrace, he misses her dearly as his father always glared at him and smack his head into a pulp all the time.

'I know they always wanted to have a daughter, but they don't have to treat me like this right?' He asked grieved sorrowfully, he might be an adopted wild child.

Little fatty wept his tears silently and just embraced little white.

"Little Han, is that little miss a secret daughter of my older brother?" the foolish second master of de family and also the captain of their private army asked doubtfully as he saw how his sister-in-law looked at Yu Yue weirdly but was treated in silence by little fatty.

When everyone heard what he just said they all look at patriarch de weirdly.

Apparently, patriarch de heard him loud and clear due to his high cultivation as well.

"what do you mean by that San'er?" Patriarch de fumed angrily as he pointed at his younger brother's nose.

Yu Yue was just staring back at madam Zhuang Yao'er, but when he heard someone ask out loud if she was patriarch de's illegitimate daughter he quickly came back to her senses and look at everyone blankly as they were all looking at her and patriarch de back and forth thoughtfully.

"elder brother, don't be angry, I was just asking. You should have explained it first" he said anxiously while hiding behind little fatty's back but too bad his build is large and he's multiple times taller than little fatty.

"asking your face!" patriarch de was still furious as he snorted but still explained because it was indeed weird that he suddenly brought back home a little girl without any warning.  "Yu Yue is our guest, he saves little Han'er back then. Treat her nicely." He said briefly as he eyed everyone present there.

He glared at the servants gossiping with each other and scolded. "you all stop looking at me like that, my Yao'er might get it wrong. You all should go ahead and prepare the fragrance courtyard for little Yu Yue."

While they're having a commotion Zhuang Yao'er is inviting Yu Yue to have tea and bounces around her excitedly full of smiles like a butterfly. Just a glance at her and Yu Yue immediately likes her so she let her be. She already heard from patriarch de that this aunt always wants to have a daughter.

Upon hearing patriarch de's commands Zhuang Yao'er paused on her steps and quickly said. "no, prepare the hundred lotus courtyard for this child" she said anxiously but then quickly added. "ah forget it; I'll go there myself." She added and brought Yu Yue personally toward the hundred lotus courtyard.

Dozens of servants followed them there, as the courtyard has always been clean it only took a few breaths before it was good to live in.

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