CHAPTER 109: Future plans (2)

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Yu Yue then quickly changed her mind, as she thought 'the sooner the better."

"oh everyone should just go in. You too aunt take little Shan Shan and go there as well" she said after giving it some thought as there's nothing much to do now but to strengthen their force.

"but miss won't anyone be left in here? How about the shop?" Yu Ling said doubtfully.

"Don't worry about it, there's Xing Yi and Xing Er and there are my friends too. They should be back this night from their clans. We will manage the shop for the time being" Yu Yue narrowed her eyes, the manor was a little quiet without those rascals these days.

"Oh right." he nodded in understanding.

"one last thing, write everyone's names and the weapons and armaments they want and I'll have someone prepare them, and for those who don't have a mask yet, I'll also prepare them so give me a complete list. After your seclusion and training we should start expanding to other cities" she furrowed her brows and paused for a while before continuing.

"The devil army should form a mercenary team and take missions as practice, the ghost army should go to other cities and send back pieces of information, and the crane maidens should also prepare yourselves as we have to establish branches in different cities and cooperate with the ghost army. The Hua maids and white army should also prepare themselves, you might cooperate and take outside missions from me, as for the shadow guards you'll remain here under my direct disposal" she told them and they seriously remembered her words. She intends to make the shop a cover so crane maidens and the ghost army have to work together.

"but before that, we need to have a solid and effectively fast communication system, we should also have strong contract beasts, for now, let's discuss that." she said with a frown because she was out of ideas.

Seeing her like that hong mei said languidly, "master I heard that if you can contract the flame firefly queen we can exchange information in real-time and if you can form a contract with the mystical wolves we can have an army with great combat abilities" he added with an intoxicating and ambiguous tone.

"but it's hard to find them, especially the flame firefly queen" Hua Ling frowned, Yu Yue also frowned because butler white just told her how rare those beasts are.

'then what should I do?' she asked in frustration mentally.

Butler White rolled his eyes as he finally told her that he has a way but she needs to break through the houtian stage first because it was locked up in the space and he can't access it unless she made it to the houtian stage.

Yu Yue's face fell darkly because he gave her hope but he quickly snuck it away. 'damn!' she cursed angrily in her mind. Butler White did stop teasing Yu Yue and quickly told her that there was an alternative and that they all have to master that technique first.

"right aunt I noticed that your mental strength is quite strong" Yu Yue spoke with madam Shan Shou.

"right miss, the females of our family cultivated mental strength while the men cultivated body refining. Shan shan has exceptional talent too" she said with pride for her daughter.

"You can manipulate people's minds right? and Shan Shan has an affinity with spirit beasts. I chance upon a profound grade cultivation manual for mental strength" Yu Yue said as an ancient book appeared in her hands and she handed it to madam Shan Shou.

"Miss, this ---ssss" lady Shan Shou was stupefied, her mind went blank holding the book with trembling hands. She was just amazing earlier because she cultivated the middle-grade mental cultivation passed down from their family. But compared to this, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Yu Yue found it inside the inheritance temple, she also gives her friends copies that's why they quickly improve in alchemy, armament, spirit seeking, array, and beast taming. 

"PROFOUND GRADE!!!" everyone cried out, they almost fainted on the spot and just look at the ancient book with a petrified expressions.

The martial arts and cultivation manuals are divided into 6 grades; Lower grade, Middle grade, Higher grade, Profound grade, Advance grade, and Divine grade.

Profound grades are rare, advanced grades are so rare, and divine grades can be counted on a finger only.  So they can't be blamed for having such a reaction.

Seeing their expressions Yu Yue smirked, she also has an advanced grade and they might have a heart attack if she took it out it's just easier to comprehend so she decided to allocate it next time.

True to its grade it's hard to comprehend, thankfully Yu Chang Lu and Ye Baihe made her cultivate mental strength since young so she has a huge advantage plus her soul is a little older than her body so she's innately gifted in this area.  

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