CHAPTER 133: Leaving (2)

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The divine lord accepts it with a smirk. "are you sure? You still can trust him? I've heard after we disappeared from the higher realms thousands of millenniums ago Xi Lei and your subordinates all died as well" he raised his brows.

"died? Hehe, do you really think my people would die just like that? Xi lei stayed in his spirit form while the others were just hibernating, once I completed my soul after multiple reincarnations Xi Lei returned to his body. It should be about time that he awakens" little Xi Wang said meaningfully.

"then that makes it easy for me to find them" he smirks as he tore the space open and disappeared right away.

After he left little Xi Wang was silently pondering over some things, so when Yu Yue arrived in his courtyard he didn't even notice her.

Yu Yue called him tiredly seeing his frowning little face.
"what's wrong with you little Wang'er?" she asked tenderly with a yawn as she slump beside his bed.

"oh, it's nothing. How about you big sis?" he asked as his frown deepened seeing her paled face and tired look.

Before Yu Yue could answer her vision darkened. 

"what's wrong with her?" little xi wang asked coldly without looking at Xing Yi.

Xing Yi bowed his head and answered respectfully. "she seemed to use up her energy, as for the reason I wasn't so clear about it but it seems she did something to those people" he recalled the weird scene he just witnessed when he arrived there earlier but he didn't manage to see how did it happen.

Unlike Yu Yue, Xing Yi feels more fearful of this little ancestor. He also found it odd the way he behaves but he's already used to it now,  though he still can't help but feel an instinctual fear of little Xi Wang.

"switch with Xing Er and let her take care of my sister." he said dismissively as he took out a pill and feed it to Yu Yue.

Xing Yi quickly does as he's told.


Meanwhile, in blue thunder city patriarch Zhou spat a mouthful of blood as he coughs weakly with a paled face. He could feel something rebound in him just now but he didn't know what it is his heart constricted when he saw that his son's jade token broke in half.

The jade token of the second elder and five other elders also dimmed, it didn't break but it just dimmed without vital energy. This is the first time he encounters such a thing and usually, a jade token like this means the owner has already died.

Ancestor Zhou was so angry that he trashed the entire courtyard as they quickly went over to the city lord's manor to report.

When they entered inside they also saw the city lord coughing blood nonstop, he looks weak and pale while trembling with rage. The force that binds the vow also rebounded to him multiple times worst because his hidden army is made up of 50 people who went with young master zhou to hundred flower city.

"I know what happened already, three days later you all came back here, and let's discuss this matter. I want to recuperate first" he snapped angrily when he saw the paled face patriarch and the angry ancestor of the Zhou clan.

News about the weird and baffling incident quickly spread over blue thunder city's great clans and families.

The city lord's eyes flashed as he sent a message to his powerful backing. He was filled with questions right now, even if his people died he shouldn't receive any backlash at all. 

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