CHAPTER 101: Little purple

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The ancestor's face changed darkly resembling a pot.

"What?!!! The blue thunder snake's blood?" ancestor Zhuang blurted angrily. Blue veins bulged visibly on his tightly clenched fists.

"hmm. Its blood can make anything with consciousness go crazy" butler white said cooly as he happily keeps away the little purple flower for Yu Yue.

He wasn't able to tell earlier but when he saw the purple flower closely he finally noticed why it was wreaking havoc, though it was truly strong as it managed to keep its consciousness and didn't destroy the city as much as possible.

The queen flower is already a high-grade king-level flower. Little willow was just a level 9 so he wasn't her match.

But the ancestors and the others' expressions turned uglier at his explanation. They didn't even notice where the little purple flower goes. 

"so it's those shameless blue thunder city's doing" ancestor tian roared shocking the others
"hmmp. To think they're behind this" ancestor hai pondered narrowing his eyes as he strokes his white beard.

"I supposed the blue thunder city's city lord already want to shed pretense with us, he must have been too sure of this move. Hmmppp" ancestor de snorted angrily.

"I think his next target is the rainbow flame city" ancestor si said heavily with a frown.

"the city lord of both cities still has their guardian beasts now that he thinks he destroyed us he would be confident to destroy rainbow flame city next, he really knows how to scheme he made a move against us first knowing that there's a chance we might enter a temporary alliance with the rainbow flame city even if we're at odds if he makes a bold move openly" ancestor tian analyzed with a frown.

"but this would give the four great empires a chance to easily take over our city and the other remaining cities and we would be a part of their empire but I doubt they might just annihilate all of us for good to monopolize the resources" ancestor hai added.

"They have been eyeing the dependent cities for a long time already." ancestor Zhuang added.

Everyone's mood turns heavy once again, they didn't even feel victorious after defeating the queen flower.

On the other hand, butler white moves to Yu Yue's side. As always, he's a little insensitive or it would be right to say he doesn't give a damn.

'Yu Yue tame it immediately and established a contract with it, it might advance and become a real queen flower afterward. If you put a drop of little willow essence into its body it might evolve into a rare and even more powerful flower. You can also let the little assassins make a contract with its offspring when it produces variant flowers' he said excitedly in Yu Yue's mind

Yu Yue's mouth twitch at him, "take care of her first I'll just send them out. Let's return to the manor at once".

With a thought, everyone was flashed outside the space, back into the messy city.

Everyone was too tired to feel anything so they all quickly left.

Yu Yue briefly told everyone to gather tomorrow as she quickly entered her courtyard. Once she entered she flashed inside the space and tame the purple butterwort man-eating flower. She does what butler white says and asked a drop of essence from little willow for Little Purple right after establishing the contract.

As expected little purple advanced and showed signs of evolving, while advancing she left her inside the space to evolve peacefully.

Butler white told her that evolving takes months long so she tiredly flashed out of the space with little Xi Wang and they slept together.

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