CHAPTER 99: Guardian of the city (3)

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After retreating a little further Yu Yue asked what she was confused about.

"why is it attacking the people it's supposed to protect though?" she muses doubtfully because butler white said though it's a poisonous plant it's gentle in nature if not provoked.

"that--- we don't know. Maybe because it doesn't have a master anymore, we all thought when the city master died ten thousand years ago the queen flower also died, we don't know it's sealed underneath" ancestor de spoke dubiously as they retreated further to recover their qi. 

"where is the city lord anyways?" Zhuang Lan asked casually but everyone's expression changed having deep thoughts.

What they didn't know is that after finding the clue young master zhou silenced the city lord quickly as he immediately escape away because he was too confident that no one can deal with the queen flower.

That's where he's wrong because a certain someone's existence could defy the heavens.

"don't we have a way to deal with it?" she asked mentally to butler white who paused for a while before finally responding.

"the original flower queen died, this flower is its descendant and it's still very weak. Since it hasn't become a queen flower yet that's why it can't be transformed..." he trailed as he told her how to defeat it.

Yu Yue was dumbstruck, she wondered how strong could be this flower queen. She sighed in pity.

Knowing her thoughts, Butler White smirks as he didn't tell her in advance that there's a catch.

"bring it inside the space and let little willow deal with it, he's the king of all plants. It should be able to suppress it besides I can help restrict its movements a little too" he said in deep contemplation.

"Are you hundred percent accurate? Why do you sound unsure?" Yu Yue asked with a smirk which makes butler white snort in disdain.

"If it's just me and little willow of course I'm not confident, but there are you guys and the ancestors and the others from Yu manor, you can bring them inside as well." he said hesitantly, he was just worried that her secrets might get exposed like this.

Of course, Yu Yue know what he was worried about. If she's just teasing him as her heart filled with warmth.

"don't worry I trust them all, aside from the ancestors and my friends who already know the existence of the space the others are our people" she smiled as she called everyone and told them her plan.

"Are you sure about this though? Won't it be too risky?" ancestor de asked with a frown. Although he badly wants to save the city he can't involve someone who has already done so much for them. They as the ancestors and this is their responsibility.

Besides she's too talented she must have extraordinary achievements in the future.

The other ancestors and her friends look at her worriedly as well with a tinge of guilt in their eyes.

Yu Yue smiled at them confidently, "don't worry about it, you all can ask your clansmen first to guard around 300 meters away from this place and not let anyone come close for the time being" she grinned.

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