CHAPTER 45: Leaving her side (2)

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Yu Yue didn't tease them anymore as she told them about the Bright moon palace and her origins, but of course, she didn't tell them that she's not originally from this world and also about her unique physique because it might just endanger them as well.

Xing He also breathes a sigh of relief that Yu Yue didn't mention anything about her and her sisters' unique physique.  Just any of that would land them in a huge pit of trouble let alone two of it got out at the same time.

"Woah" everyone's jaws drop in amazement. Now they have the same thoughts.

'go to that place and follow this little ancestor for life' that's what they thought because they could tell how amazing that place is just based on Yu Yue's words and expressions while talking about the bright moon palace. Besides, Xing He himself is a living proof that that place was truly a home of experts.

"But Yu Yue, where do you guys come from? It seems like you guys aren't from here because we would have already heard of it long ago?" Tian Wuxian asked furrowing his brow into a straight line. Although he didn't doubt Yu Yue's words there are just some flaws in them. Such an amazing and powerful force would surely have a resounding name and big reputation among cultivators even if they came from the arctic region.

The Arctic region and the outer region remained friendly relations because they exchange goods, so people from the outer region are somewhat knowledgeable about the arctic region and the same as the outer region. The Arctic region is naturally a cold place and some plants can't survive in such a climate. Meanwhile, the outer region is thriving with natural resources which aren't cold all year round so they produce bounty supplies of foods and herbs and other raw materials.

The Arctic region is originally a home for spirit beasts and strong people because only the strong could manage to survive in such a place. As time pass many people settled in that place but there are still areas left unexplored and uninhabited by humans. Meanwhile, the central region is a place for the truly strong cultivators where the law of the jungle applies to what they heard from their ancestors.

People from the central region disdained others from other regions especially the lower region and they didn't interact with them at all. Besides, people from the outer region don't have the strength to traverse the arctic region to go to the central region, and people from the central region disdained to come to the lower region so basically, there's no interaction at all except for a few other really strong individuals who rarely come and go.

And just based on that fact, what Yu Yue said is rather not quite right. The others also thought of it so they all glanced at her waiting for further explanation. 

"This—I'm not sure either, uncle Xing He and the rest didn't tell me anything about our family's origins," Yu Yue said in a small voice out of embarrassment while throwing the hot potato right back at Xing He.

Xing He sighed bitterly but he didn't say anything for long after a pause.

"Have you guys heard of realms?" Xing He asked as he look pointedly at everyone.

"realms? Not really" Si Xiao Xiao said trying to remember if he heard anything about it from his clan but seems like not at all.

"me too, it's news to me." Tian Wuxian said and they glance at the other 3 but they too shook their heads.

"There's actually 3 realms that are known to us currently the lower realm, the middle realm, and the higher realm. It is speculated that there are realms even higher than that but not known to us yet..." Xing He began talking about realms and Yu Yue's mind turned into a whirlwind as thoughts and guesses keeps flowing in.

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