CHAPTER 81: Opening a shop (1)

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Yu Yue thought things through and one week later she left the estate early morning and go outside to find a shop with a suitable location.

She decided to open a business and sell stuff she personally make, when the others heard her plan they were excited and go along with her to help, acting like loyal guards.

Xing Yi and Xing Er remained at the estate to watch for little xi wang. Little xi wang didn't want to leave her side but she told him that it was really important and surprisingly he understood and agreed reluctantly.

Yu yu walk with the others but she can't help but frown, several people keep looking in their direction, especially young girls would giggle coquettishly at the dashing young masters.

Si Xiao Xiao for the first time wore a dress publicly. Many hotblooded youths can't help but steal glances at her. Compared to Yu Yue's cute beauty she has a sexy type of beauty that provokes strong desires from the opposite sex.

The guy's face keeps turning darker and darker almost unable to stop themselves from beating those love-stricken idiots. Yu Yue glanced at Tian Wuxian's rarely annoyed look resembling a black pot with a teasing smile.

Hai xingze on the other hand is just like a peacock, charming girls here and there while holding his signature mirror.

They have been looking for a while but Yu Yue couldn't peacefully find a suitable place so she went home and tasked xing er to do it instead.

The others also followed her apologetically.

They discussed a lot of things in Yu Yue's courtyard and she told them how she would work them to the bone and they agreed easily. She would employ them until she would be able to find suitable people.

Xiao xiao would refine pills for her, and Zhuang Lan would refine armaments for her. As for the rest, they have to help her manage the shop.

Little fatty's de clan do trading while tian Wuxian's clan owned shops in the city and other neighboring cities.

She let tian Wuxian handle the finances, little fatty with supplies, and Hai Xingze be the store manager.

She casually gives stuff to Tian Wuxian to auction for cash and he handled it well.

At noon Yu Yue decided to visit the shop and she meet with a middle age woman with a little girl in tow. They look tired and haggard.

"miss let me show you around." the woman said as she welcomed Yu Yue's entourage.

"This shop is nice, why are you selling it?" she asked curiously after noticing they seemed to be cashing in quite a lot of money after a round of the tour.

"it's because after my dad died, they chase us out of the estate. We would sell this first so we would have money to go to the other city" the little girl answered quickly in anger disregarding his mother's warning gaze.

Lady Shan Shuo didn't scold her daughter at that but just heaved a sigh indicating that's what was going on.

Lady Shan Shuo married the wu family's eldest son wu san, he died last month in sickness, and as soon as that happened his younger brother Wu Cang chase them out of the estate. The wu patriarch didn't care at all.

The two were only left with this shop so they decided to sell it to save money and move to other cities.

But before she managed to say anything, the door to the shop was kicked open violently.

"Shan Shou! You wretched woman, you are shamelessly trying to sell this shop my brother works hard for" a shameless shrill rang out making Yu Yue's eardrums hurt.

The yu mother and daughter pair paled immediately at the familiar voice.

"Wu Cang, what did you come in here for?" lady Shan Shuo asked coldly while hiding little Shan Shan behind her protectively.

It seems like this two didn't live a good life as this is an instinctive reaction of an abused person.

"Of course to take care of my brother's shop." he said self righteously his nose pointing to the sky.

He was purposely trying to corner this two so they would give him the shop but they refused to give in and now even make a deal with a nobody. Wu Cang thought angrily.

"This is my betrothal gift, this shop belongs to me and Shan Shan alone." Shan Shou said icily.

"Hmmp since my brother is already dead this shop would, of course, be taken care of by his family. I'm his younger brother so this belongs to me now." he said as he strutted to their fronts and eyed yu yue condescendingly.

Yu Yue's eyes narrowed coldly at the fat man who just entered the shop and rudely kicked the door out off its hinges.

She could see bruises on lady Shan Shou and little Shan Shan's faces now that she looks at it closely. She noticed it earlier but she didn't comment on it, now it seems like this newcomer is the perpetrator.

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