CHAPTER 89: Warm and lively (2)

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She stands at the center of the platform confidently, as she looks at everyone. They all quietened down simultaneously waiting for her to deliver her speech.

Yu Yue is already pretty without much effort but today was different, she was even prettier and glowing with a calming aura. Aunt Yao'er and aunt Shan Shou help her dress up earlier so she looks like a delicate flower right now, all of her beautiful features were on full display.

Little willow occupied the top of her head and with the effect of the power of light, she emits a pure saintly aura. Everyone can't help but admire her beauty, especially those hotblooded youths as she delivered her speech.

A certain someone who was quietly watching in the dark looks on with a death glare directed at those youths, he's extremely vexed with jealousy right now.

The little overlord saw him and make a face to taunt him haughtily which in turn made the always calm and unruffled divine lord spew flames in anger as he gnashed his teeth unable to retaliate.

'This little brat really doesn't like him hanging around his sister even in their past lives' he thought bitterly as he disappeared in the dark after looking at her longingly, he might not be able to stop himself if he stays longer.

"Everyone, thank you so much for lending me a hand all this time. I can't express my gratitude with words alone so I prepared gifts for each clan. However, it didn't arrive yet so I'll just send it later." She started and everyone was excited full of anticipation.

Whenever she took out something it was nothing but ordinary so they aren't that impatient besides they understood her situation currently.

"since everyone helps me build our manor I specifically made courtyards for each clan to stay at for cultivation and seclusion, you can also send your talented disciples here to cultivate in batches in the future." she said warmly and everyone cheered loudly unable to calm down. They too want to stay in this place, they were afraid they won't have the opportunity to enter the manor after today now that it's done.

Although Yu Yue downcall this place a manor. In fact, it's as large as the great clan's estate possibly even larger.

The ancestors also stood up and laugh heartily. The disciples also talk to themselves excitedly as Yu Yue's speech comes to an end and they started the banquette right away.

"Yu Yue are you sure though?" patriarch de asked in disbelief but before Yu Yue could answer ancestor de smacked his head.

"What nonsense are you saying? If you don't want to stay here, then go home by yourself" he howled angrily.

"That's not what I mean." he said aggrievedly. His father didn't even consider his face at all, he was still the legitimate patriarch of their clan. How should he face everyone afterward? He shed bitter tears internally at the thought.

Yu Yue giggled as she sat down and nodded. "en, they are already like a family to me and as their clansmen, you all are like family to me too" she said while looking at hai xingze and the others.

"sighed. It must be their blessings for two lifetimes that they meet such a good friend like you" ancestor Zhuang said.

"en" ancestor hai nodded in agreement and the others followed suit.

Ancestor si and ancestor tian give it a thought for a while as their eyes meet. They aren't as simple as the others so they quickly noticed that there's more to it.

As the banquette ended the ancestors remain at the yu manor as they want to discuss something with her, the five young masters also stayed behind.

The patriarch and the disciples all go back ahead.

Yu Yue decided to share what Yu Ling told her and the ancestor's expressions immediately change.

"so that's why you would help us this much" ancestor de look at her gratefully.

If they haven't met her they might die without knowing how, sooner or later.

Of course, they all know this might happen sooner or later but they were caught unprepared this time.

Yu Yue already treats the De clansmen and the other clans as her friends and even more, as they're as close as families so she won't allow anything to happen to this place. They devote their clans to this city to protect it so she would help them, besides she's now also an official resident of hundred flower city.

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