CHAPTER 114: Hot potato (3)

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The ancestors paused and glance at each other awkwardly.

Not long after ancestor si cough. "that--. It's like this, we have been paying attention to the activities of your yu manor and we were amazed by your leadership and organization" he said while his ears reddened, exposing their actions.

'so that's why they all keep coming in here' she pursed her lips.

"We could tell that you would climb great heights in the future" ancestor Zhuang also nodded in agreement.

"right, no one could compare to you when they're your age even us" ancestor de laugh.

"Besides, we already figured out that you made a contract with our city guardian, the flower queen" ancestor hai smirks at her.

"hehe, how did you guys find out?" she laughed guiltily. Like getting caught stealing a chicken.

"We just knew it" the ancestors all laugh.

"en, even our offsprings are not comparable at all" ancestor tian mumbled.

The others who were just eating quietly with perk ears pretending to be blind and deaf stiffened at his words.

They bow down their heads in shame, they didn't object because even compared to the young masters of great clans in other cities they aren't comparable at all.

They couldn't pretend anymore as they look at their grandfathers with despondent eyes.

"..." Yu Yue stumped for words again.

Seeing how her friends look she consoled. "well they're quite talented. It's just that they don't have enough resources"

It's true though, great clans have many disciples. Their numbers could sum up to a thousand to two thousand.

Hearing these they all breathed a sigh, but their expressions are full of determination. Besides, they're now even stronger than Yu Yue by two levels in their cultivation but it's still not enough to be compared to her because she's too talented.

"Alright, give me some time to think about it" Yu Yue sighed.

She did intend to build their base somewhere. Hundred flower city is just a perfect fit for her criteria but it's subjected to conspiracies and bloodshed from the covetous hearts of the other cities and the four great empires.

"Okay, we'll give you a day to think about it" ancestor de clap his hands feeling delighted. They finally managed to make this little aunt nod her head.

'a day?' Yu Yue was speechless. 

The distance between hundred flower city, blue thunder city, and rainbow flame city takes at least three days at the earliest.

They've planted several spies in hundred flower city so news travels fast.

After three days two different groups of people with different agendas arrived at the border of hundred flower city. The other group directly entered the city, while the other one didn't make rash moves and was just observing from afar.

Right after the city lord died it was announced that they already have a new city lord nominated by the five great clans.

The people haven't met this so-called city lord yet, some families didn't cause a ruckus anymore but the wu family was unsatisfied, they want to challenge the new city lord but they were biding for their time. They received a message in advance.

Yu Yue was too busy settling her affairs in the manor so she didn't care and didn't make an appearance yet.

But today she was summoned to the city lord's residence because the envoys arrogantly announced their arrival.

They were currently treated as guests in the city lord's manor.

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